What’s the use?

Re:Verse reading–James 2:14-26 (day one)

“If a brother or sister is without clothing. . .and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ and yet you do not give them what is necessary . . .what use is that?”–v 16

A question that a pragmatist would love.  A solid standard by which religion must always be evaluated.  What’s the use?

Ophelos is the Greek word.  It mean’t “advantage or profit or progress”.  Same word that Jesus used in Mark 8:36.  “What does it profit (opheleo) a man if he gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

So. . .(is your honest hat on?) If we bottom-lined your faith, would the world show a profit?  “I care not much for a man’s religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it.”–Abraham Lincoln.  OK, but what about your neighbor, your city, your church?   What useful thing will come to the world this week because you believe?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

4 thoughts on “What’s the use?”

  1. What’s the use? Great topic!

    This blog is very practical! I don’t like empty words! Faith and helpful actions out of faith should go together. Actions that show kindness and compassion speak loudly for one’s faith. Spiritual and practical actions together are proof of one’s faith. Empty words are dead! Words and compassionate heart for practical actions can help transform a life and a community. Words alone are empty!

    Believing in Christ, I insist, will move us to feel compassion for and act to help someone in need. Believing in Christ, I insist, will move us to feel compassion for and act to identify needs that deserve special attention and help!

    We have opportunities every day to help meet the needs of people we come into contacts. Some people need help but are afraid to ask. Our surroundings will be in a better place if we pay more attention and take special concern for those who are vulnerable.

    Faith in God but our actions are in contrary to our faith and in contrary to Jesus’s loving and caring for the needy, the advantaged, and the sick is dead. Our community and society will be in harmony and will be stronger when we, believers in Christ, work for the benefit of others who are vulnerable.

    Every day that goes by without helping another or to pay back and to pay forward is an opportunity missed. I often remind myself and my children that others helped me achieve my merits, and now I have the opportunity to pay them back while paying the effort forward and they should do the same.

    There are plenty opportunities to help others in our surroundings. Let’s lift up each other and work with each other to make a difference in our surroundings. Life will be more joyful and peaceful when we care for one another. Don’t allow for Satan to win on the war for reaching out with kindness and compassion. Fear God, not Satan. Kindness and compassion for others in need will lead to giving. What’s the use if we live in ignorance? I determine to act on my faith and to help make a difference! So please help me God!

  2. My apologies for a type! This paragraph in my previous response should read, “My Faith in God but our actions are in contrary to our faith and in contrary to Jesus’s loving and caring for the needy, the DISADVANTAGED, and the sick is dead. Our community and society will be in harmony and will be stronger when we, believers in Christ, work for the benefit of others who are vulnerable.”

    My heart is for God and is to help build a stronger community and society. A little support for others goes a long way! We support and help out what we can. It is comforting to know that God does not expect us to do or engage in what we don’t have!

  3. This is a passage that many denominations use as an indicator of true faith-with which Martin Luther recognized as fallacious. I think that a “work” is an act of obedience to the nudging and leading of the Holy Spirit, NOT” Well, I have to do this….!”If one follows this nudging it is because of faith . God will provide the way, the resource and the energy. One finds it fun to serve a great God whose mercies and love give us a Savior through whom we have a Living Hope and joy of salvation . Die to self, pick up your cross, then the opportunities will unfold. Use your gifts and talents.

  4. My last point on this important topic! Believers in Christ should be held to the highest standards in giving and safeguarding God’s resources! There are many ways to act on our faith and belief in Christ! Give and share God’s resources in a way that will please God, not Satan! I will follow true believers of Christ!

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