
Re:Verse reading–2 Samuel 9 (day six)

Where did David find the power to be kind? Well, he was king, he had the ability, the resources, and the will to extend kindness to anyone he chose, even to an enemy. You are no king or queen, but do you have the power to be kind? Yes, you do. As David drew from his kingly position, so you too, Christian, draw from your royal position. We are adopted heirs to the Kingdom of God, sons and daughters of the King. We muster kindness not from broken cisterns, but from the infinitely deep wells of the kindness of God. Because of who we are we too have the ability, the resources, and the will to extend kindness, even to the least likely of people.

When you drink deeply of the kindness of God as a child of God, you can’t help but extend kindness to others.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

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