Guard Against Jealousy

Re:Verse reading–2 Samuel 9 (day four)

It was customary in those days that when a new king came to power, he killed all of the descendants of the old king to be sure that none decided to try to return to power.  Mephibosheth knew that he could not expect anything but death.  He humbled himself before David.  In contrast, Ziba believed that since he had aided the king, he deserved a just reward.  He was jealous of Mephibosheth.  David honored Mephibosheth, even though by all rights, he deserved nothing.  Ziba reminds us of Haman (thank you, Linda) who believed he deserved the king’s favor, but instead had to give honor to Mordecai. (Esther 6)

Jealousy is a deadly sin.  It can destroy relationships…it can distort the truth…it can be a cancer to our soul.  Ziba’s jealousy grew out of his greed and ambition for his own family.  Why should he have to serve a cripple?  Guard your heart against jealousy…none of us deserves anything but death.  Humbly accept God’s grace like Mephibosheth.

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Guard Against Jealousy”

  1. Hey Larry,
    I believe you mean Haman and not Naaman, who finally did bow before God! Really enjoy your comments.


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