Re: Verse reading–Genesis 2:4-17 (day four)
Last Sunday, the Sanctuary choir sang the “Majesty and Glory of His Name.” One of my all-time favorites! It is easy to see the majesty of God when you look up into the starry heavens on a dark night, or look across the snow-capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains, or see the wind-tossed waves of the ocean or the exploding power of a vast lightning storm. How often do you look at the person next to you and recognize the majesty of God as they inhale and exhale?
Verse 7 says, “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” What a miracle! God’s majesty is displayed, after all, when we look upon His handiwork. The stars of heaven and the sweeping Milky Way may be grander in scale, but they are no less miraculous than each breath that we breathe. Look for the majesty of God in the little things of life. He is truly amazing!
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