Re:Verse reading–Romans 8:1-17 (day seven)
“Therefore, brothers, we are under obligation. . .for all who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God.” v 12, 14.
It is not what we expect. The Scripture, in other places, communicates Spiritual life as an INVITATION. An offer. A king gives a party for his son and sends servants out to invite people to come. (Matthew 22)
Paul looks at it from a different perspective. As an OBLIGATION. Same word that he used of himself in Romans 1:14. “I am under obligation.” As a recipient of grace, how could he refuse to give it to others?
He says the same of us. Christ died and rose and sent the promised Holy Spirit! Those who are joined to Him by faith are, thereby, OBLIGATED to live and walk in that gift.
“How dare you benefit from Christ and owe him nothing in return!”, says Paul. Not an offer. Not an option. It is our OBLIGATION.
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