It is the logic of Lottie Moon. Christmas and missions go together. Born and raised in Virginia, Lottie’s life work was as a missionary to China. Every year at this season she would write back to churches in the states asking for prayer and support. In her memory, Southern Baptists have an annual prayer and giving emphasis for missions.
Day 29 – Will you pray for missionaries?
If the shepherds “made know the statements which had been told them about the Child” (Luke 2:17) shouldn’t we? And shouldn’t we be prayerful support for our brothers and sisters who have gone out “into all the world” to make known the gospel of Christ? Make it a family affair. Remind your children of God’s purpose to unite the world in Christ. Pray for missionaries by name. Google “Lottie Moon” and read her story. Sing “Joy to the WORLD” and mean it with all your heart. “As the Father has sent me, so send I you,” said Jesus to the disciples. He CAME into the world so that we would GO into it. Will you pray today for missionaries?
Re: Verse reading – Luke 12:13-34 (day six)
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