Same Gospel. Different Response.

RE Verse reading–Mark 6:1-6 (day two)
“He went…to His hometown, and…they were offended by Him” (6:1,3). We’ve seen what it looks like when people respond to Jesus in faith. Now, we see the opposite response. Same Jesus. Same power. Same wisdom. Same proclamation of the Kingdom of God arriving. Same gospel. Different response. Exposure to the gospel doesn’t guarantee a good response. Without faith, the gospel is just as likely to harden as it is to heal, to offend as it is to open, to rebuff as it is to redeem. Perhaps observing this phenomenon helped the Apostle Paul conclude “he saved us…by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). Paul realized that unless the Spirit initiates a work in a heart, the heart will never turn to Jesus in faith. Therein lies our hope for evangelism. If God has already sent His Spirit to work “regeneration” in hearts, then our task is to share faithfully. His task is to renew hearts so that they respond in faith.

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