RE Verse reading–Mark 5:22-43 (day six)
“But Jesus kept looking to see who had done it” (vs 32) The Bible speaks of real salvation as more rare than we normally think. “The way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:14) Appreciating this, Jesus was not one to ignore real faith when he saw it. Even in a great crowd with people pressing in on Him; even with the pressure of the anxious Father who wanted Him to hurry, the Lord refused to walk past the opportunity to recognize faith. I am certain that He still has this priority. In every crowd, there may be thousands of motives in thousands of hearts. What Jesus notices, what Jesus values is faith–the person who has accurately and positively connected the person and power and promises of Christ to his/her own situations. When we believe and act He still notices and says “Your faith has healed you.” (vs 34)
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