RE Verse reading–Acts 6:1-7, 11:27-30 (day seven) “The disciples determined that according to their ability, each would send relief to the believers living in Judea” (11:29) A word easily missed. Very meaningful when not. The disciples determined that they would do something to help. Even if they could not do MUCH (according to their ability) they would do SOMETHING. They were determined. The word in Greek is horizo. (like horizon) It meant to draw a line, make a mark. In the case of money, it meant to “mark off” or “ear mark” funds for special use. It is something that takes place in the individual heart. Luke is clear that “each” of the believers made this decision. None of us can be corporately effective unless we are individually sacrificial. It is an indication of the Holy Spirit. When followers of Christ hear of a need, we volunteer to do something about it. Inspiring story! May the Lord make us determined to serve.
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