Re:Verse reading – Matthew 1:18 – 2:15, 19-23 (day six)
In the very first paragraph of this passage, we learn that Mary, the virgin that was to be married, was pregnant. We don’t know how Joseph found out, but he did. Can you imagine the pain and humiliation that he must have felt upon learning his future bride was with child? Marriage is such a beautiful promise of all that is good and pure. What a shock that he was now getting damaged goods (or so he thought).
But Instead of lashing out on Facebook or exposing her on Jerry Springer, Joseph thought about Mary’s feelings and then contemplated. Imagine how many of your tough situations would have turned out different if your first action was to contemplate. Today, reflect on how you have responded in the past to situations that were hurtful or embarrassing. Were you quick to get defensive, lash out, or try to save face? Were you more interested in preserving your image or caring about the other person? Let’s respond like Joseph – slow, deliberate, careful, and with others in mind.
Brad Livingston, FBC Lay Leader, guest blogger
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This Bible study showed me a lot about how God cares for us and how we should respond to Him:
1. First God reminded Joseph of who he is – son of David. Whenever we need to make an important decision we need to remember who we are – Christ’s redeemed servant. This decision should honor Christ.
2. Second God told David, “… do not to be afraid to take to you Mary…”. We must not be afraid to obey God. Joseph did not wait the customary time to take his wife. He had compassion for Mary for what what she was going through even though he could not feel what she was going through. He saw her obedience, above all. He could only do the same, and not put his own standing in his family or in his community above what God told him to do. Though he did not understand, he took Mary home to be his wife in obedience to God dispite the criticism and damage to his name, which he knew would lie ahead for both of them. He reminds me a lot of our Lord, Jesus, who took on our shame and sin because he loves us; so we cannot be ashamed of the Gospel. Put obedience to Christ first. We must be obedient and tell all we see of Christ’s love for all people, especially during this wonderful time of year where many people are trying to find hope and peace.