A Lot to be Thankful For!

Re:Verse – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (day four).  Many people can relate with this Scripture, including myself.  Paul is the man who experienced these incredible visions, giving him, initially, a reason to boast in what God was doing in his life.  However, instead of boasting in the GOOD that was happening in his life, Paul was boasting about the BAD, the problems of his life, the thorns or pains.  Talk about thankfulness, the rendering of I am content with weaknesses can be translated as I take joy or pleasure in my weakness.  I know some holidays can be tough for some families because of trials and pains, but I am reminded that Paul was thankful for the pains because then God’s grace was more evident.  His grace is sufficient, meaning it is enough to fill the pain in our lives.  The greatest grace we received was when there was the greatest pain, when our Savior Jesus died for us.  What an incredible God we have! Happy Thanksgiving!

Zach Van Veldhuizen, Assistant Director, Youth, guest blogger


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