All called

Re:Verse reading–Romans 1:1-17 (day seven)

“Paul . . .called to be an apostle. . .to all who are in Rome. . .and called to be saints. v 1, 6.

It is finally here!  September 6.  “Forward in RE Verse”.  The beginning of a new year for our church.  New classes.  New schedule.  A new study in Romans.  Exciting!

In preparation for this day, the leadership team sponsored an “all call” initiative.  The goal was for every member to receive a phone call (or text or email or tweet) inviting them to be a part of the new, next chapter.

It makes sense.  By the CALL of Christ that we become Christians.  We are “those who love Him, who are CALLED according to His purpose”–Romans 8:28.  By the CALL of Christ we know our assignment.  Apostle.  Saints.

Did you get a call? This week? From one a leader in our fellowship?  Hopefully.  Have you, over time, received a call from the Lord?  Yes!  Yes, you have!

Collision Course

Re: Verse reading–Romans 13:1-7; 1 Timothy 2:1-4 (day five)

Romans 13 begins to address the other side of the great collision between the Christian and Culture.  In Romans 12, Paul writes the words that are SO familiar to many Christians.  “Do not be conformed to this world”.  So the tension and collision are created.  The natural question the believers in Rome would ask is, “What do we do with Caesar?”  “Do we support him?”  So in chapter 13 Paul anticipates and answers.  (By the way, Jesus had the same tension and same questions asked of Him.)

2 insights from this passage help navigate the tension.  1- We must remember that where we live and where we belong are different (Philippians 3:20).  Paul uses the concept of “authority” to point this out.  2- Humility and Submission are often the ways that people see and sense our faith and love for God. (1 Peter 2:13-15)

John Piper comments. “Paul risked being misunderstood on the side of submission because he saw pride as a greater danger to Christians than government injustice.“