Dry bones

Re: Verse reading–Ezekiel 37:1-14 (day one) 
It is a terrible scene, month (years?) after a bloody battle with so many casualties that no one even bothered to bury the dead.  Dry bones are everywhere.  In a vision, Ezekiel is transported to see it.  An unexpected question is posed by God.  “Son of man, can these bones live?”  (v 3)  “Only you know the answer to that question,” the prophet says to “the God who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9).  Three lessons are taught from this strange moment.  The valley of dry bones symbolizes the resurrection at the end of time.  Read John 11:24.  The valley of dry bones symbolizes the resurrection of the nation of Israel.  The valley of dry bones symbolizes the new life of believer who has been reborn–from death to life by the Spirit of God through the medium of the preached word.  Can people and nations live again after a terrible defeat and years of spiritual deadness?  Yes!  Hallelujah!