Love your enemies

Re: Verse reading–Luke 6:27-36, Romans 12:17-21 (day one)

“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”–Jesus (Luke 6:27-28)  In all of history and literature no words are more fiercely contested.  Unreasonable, impractical say the critics of Christ.  “Old birth” people simply cannot do this work.  Even those who WANT to follow this command find it impossible without a new heart and supernatural support.  Why should we love our enemies?  1) loyalty to Christ demands it, 2) it is the only way to stop the “hate-hurt” cycle, 3) it leads toward conviction and conversion which is the larger, higher purpose of God.  Most of us have miles to go in learning this attitude and practice.  Jesus never changes His demand.  “Forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us.”  Even as we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are praying for our enemies.  It is a start toward love.

Choosing the Best

I hope you are reading John 12. ( The “Re Verse” design for Bible Study is one of the things about FBC that I really appreciate.)  In this week’s chapter, we see the hard work that prayer often is.  In verse 27, Jesus says, “Father, save me from this hour”.  (NIV makes it a question.  I think a statement is a better translation.  Similar to Jesus in the Garden when his first prayer was “let this cup pass from me”.) It is understandable that all of us want to avoid pain when we can.  However, the Lord knew immediately that the better prayer was, “Father, glorify your name”.  I’ve been there.  Have you?  The first thing you feel/want is NOT the best thing.  The higher aspiration can only be born as you set aside the lower.  Prayer, including the honest use of the Lord’s Prayer, is hard work.  It requires me to choose the best, even when my first desire if something else.

Children of light

I hope you are reading John 12.  It will be the text for worship and Sunday School this coming Sunday at FBC.  Jesus speaks, first, about “walking in the light” (vs 35). Then He speaks about becoming “children of light”(vs 36).  The first is a case by case obedience.  As He gives us grace to see His will, we move forward into it.  We walk!  One of Mary’s early lessons re. her son was, “Whatever He tells you to do, do it” (John 2).  The second phrase in John 12 is something different.  To become a child of light is to have your whole character and direction shaped by the will of God.  It is not case by case, it becomes your character.  Interesting.  Every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer we call God our Father.  I wonder how often we consider whether we are becoming  His children.  “To them He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)


I was praying early yesterday (Sunday) and my mind stopped on the last word of the Lord’s Prayer.  Next to last if you count amen.  Forever!  What a strange thought.  Something that doesn’t decay or decline.  Ever.  Untouched by time. The Ancient of Days.  A picture of God Himself and of His Kingdom.  A God as VAST in duration as in glory and size.  It convicted me of idolatry, ie. conceiving a God who is small enough to understand rather than stretching my mind to embrace “the God who is really there” in all His infinite mystery. It convicted me of fear, not trusting a God this grand.  O God of FOREVER make me a true servant of your eternal kingdom.  Make me embrace with my heart what I cannot imagine with my mind.  No end to your kingdom or power or glory.  The ONE unchanging reality.  You are forever.

Don’t Quit!

In  Luke 18:8, Jesus wonders out loud whether He will “find faith on the earth when He returns”, and the indicator that will tell Him whether faith is still present on this planet is persevering prayer. (Read Luke 18)  True faith (just like true love) expresses itself.  It speaks!  It does not pout or withdraw.  It does not give up or get discouraged or drained away by other distractions.  We have been praying the Lord’s Prayer every day, now for 6 weeks.  Are you experiencing fatigue?  Has the newness worn off this daily discipline?  Probably a good thing!  This is a life-long love that we are learning!  I saw kid with a T-shirt recently which said, “Pain is fear leaving the body”.  If so, “prayer is faith not leaving the task” until His kingdom comes.  What if patience is the proof that we really believe?  Thanks for hanging in there!  I am praying with you.