
Re:Verse reading–Joshua 23; Joshua 24:14-15 (day six)

Joshua implored his people to commit to “love” God. The covenant between God and the Israelites was not a business contract; their obedience to God was not payment for services rendered, nor is it an attempt to repay Him out of indebtedness. That’s not the arrangement. Joshua told them to obey, worship, and love because the God of the universe first loved them, made himself know to them, rescued them out of idolatry, and in His love was great reward.

Stop doing business with God; love him with all your heart!


Re:Verse reading–Joshua 1 (day six)

The book of Joshua is a remarkable history, and it begins with a rousing introduction from God himself! The promise of presence and great success to Joshua, but most of all, the promise of rest to the Israelites in a land of their very own, indeed a kingdom. The Israelite people were no doubt desperate for rest and peace after forty years wondering in the desert and four hundred more as slaves in Egypt. And God would provide it to them, he would fight their battles, and lead them Joshua’s faithful leadership.

It is a picture of the Gospel. To the Church belong the promises of God made possible by the new covenant in Jesus’ blood. We are co-heirs with Jesus, and ours is not only the forgiveness of sin, but full restoration and rest in a new heaven and a new Earth. Aren’t you desperate for true rest (a life without sin)? I am. By God’s grace let’s continue to shake off the shackles of sin and press on in the hope of our future eternal rest as sons and daughters of God.