Re:Verse reading— 1 Samuel 20:1-17, 30-42 (day six)
The Gospel is not idle in our life; it shouldn’t be. Its affect is not a one time happening; by the power of the Spirit of God in the believer’s life, it is ongoing, always transforming, bearing fruit in an otherwise desert of a life. We know that to be true, but isn’t always our experience, is it? We wonder, “Why do I struggle so with the same thing over and over?” Or, “Why am I not more faithful to seek God each day?”
What if in God’s economy of sanctification he has chosen the pathway of true Gospel friendship? What if our transformation, or overcoming, requires the attention of a someone who is knit to our soul (like Jonathan to David)? Even more, what if your friend’s sanctification requires a gutsy friendship you are called to provide?
Sometimes we lament that we don’t have a Jonathan in our life, when the whole time God is expecting us not to wait, but take the initiative to be a Jonathan to someone in need.