Nine out of ten

Re: Verse reading – Psalm 103; Luke 17:11-19 (day one)
“Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?  Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” (Luke 17:18)

The numbers tell a story.  Ten lepers experience a miracle. Nine of them rush back to their lives and families without feeling ANY OBLIGATION to express thanks or seek a relationship with God.  The gift, not the giver, is what they wanted.  His hand, but not “His face” the Bible describes it in another place.  Strangely, the one who DOES perceive the duty/opportunity to go back and connect with God is a Samaritan!  In this story at least, the more blessed you are the more likely to take God’s grace for granted.  God has simple expectations.  “The kindness of God leads you to repentance.”  (Romans 2:4)  Those who receive His help should turn to Him in gratitude and worship.  Nine out of ten times, however,  it doesn’t work.