Message of Christ

Re: Verse reading–Psalm 118 (day four)
Psalm 118 is the final psalm of the Egyptian Hallel (praise), chapters 113-118.  It was recited or sung at the Passover by every Jewish family.  118 was the last psalm recited, following the final blessing.  It may well have been the psalm sung by Jesus and the disciples at the Last Supper before they went out to Gethsemane.  It is giving thanks to God for His deliverance.  It was recited at the Passover and its theme is remembered at our present day Lord’s Supper.  In Passover, it looked ahead to the coming Messiah.  In our Lord’s Supper, it acknowledges Christ as the Messiah come to earth.  Jesus used this psalm to refer to himself in Matthew 21:42.  Reference is made to Psalm 118 by Jeremiah, Ezra, and Peter.  The message of Christ is a thread through all of Scripture.  God has so inspired His Word to communicate His vast love through all of history.  Want to know God and His plan for you?  Read His Word!


Re: Verse reading–Psalm 118 (day three)
“From the house of the Lord we bless you.”  A friend of mine, in commenting a few days ago on verses 26 and 27 of this Psalm, which give us a picture of people assembling for a worship service, made this remark: Some songs you just want to sing in a group.  That’s exactly right.  The psalmist recounts how the Lord has rescued, saved, preserved, defended, and delivered time after time.  And near the end of this Psalm, he gathers with people to remember together with them all the ways in which the Lord has saved their necks.  It seems strange to say it, but people forget these kinds of things.  We just do.  So we need to remind each other.  This is one way we come to know God better.  Some songs you just want to sing in a group.

Paper Prayer Chain

Re: Verse reading–Psalm 118 (day two)
It’s not the prayer chain that consists of five people I call to alert everyone of a need for prayer. It’s a prayer chain hanging from the wall in my kitchen. Each paper link represents a specific prayer that my young boys have prayed and seen God answer. The latest addition to the chain reads, “God, bless our family with a baby.” Around November, we are expecting our family to grow, and our prayer chain is growing too! Psalm 118 serves as a paper prayer chain too. Recited every Passover, Jewish families would recall the Lord’s miraculous deliverance from Egypt. Remembering the answered prayer stirred up thankfulness, and thankfulness stirs up joy. Maybe that’s why the apostle Paul taught his churches to be thankful (Philippians 4:6)? He knew that thankfulness was the pathway to the joy he expected from them…and us (Philippians 4:4). Start your own paper prayer chain or answered prayer list. It is a simple step down the path of life long joy.

Praise and problems

Re: Verse reading–Psalm 118 (day one)
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. . .They (the nations) swarmed around me like bees. . .the stone that the builders rejected has become the capstone. . .this is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  (vs 1, 12, 22, 24)  Life is always a strange mixture of good and bad, joy and sorrow.  Our praise remains constant.  God’s goodness does not change when circumstances are painful or tense.  Our obligation to worship doesn’t change either.  “Shall we ACCEPT good from God and not ACCEPT adversity” said Job (Job 2:10)  Great question!  Paul and Silas sang hymns of praise in prison at midnight.  Great liberty!  So, when our enemies surround us like a swarm of bees. . .when the builders (i.e. the leaders) reject Christ and build culture on secular values, (there will be days like this)believers see God’s hand and God’s goodness.  This is God’s day, let us rejoice in it!

Gather the people

Re: Verse reading–Psalm 95 (day seven)
“COME, let us sing for joy to the Lord”  (vs 1)  It is spiritual work to gather the people of God.  No voice rings truer the love of Heaven than the one that invites/calls/encourages/reminds people of the power and blessing of worship.  People get distracted and “dis integrated”.  Overwhelmed and stressed.  If we want a Sunday School class to stay focused we must always be gathering/encouraging them.  Same with a church or a family.  “GATHER the people, the men and the women and the children and the alien who is in your town, in order that they may hear and learn and fear the Lord your God, and be careful to observe all the words of this Law.” ( Deuternonomy 31:12)  How long has it been since the people in our circle of influence have heard this loving invitation from you?  “COME, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our God our maker.” (Psalm 95:6)

Reverence and rest

RE Verse reading–Psalm 95 (day six) “Come, let us worship and bow down. . .your fathers tested me. . . ‘They shall never enter my rest.’ ”  (vs 6, 9, 11)  The first sentences of Psalm 95 (vs 1-7) call us to sing, to worship, to bow down.  Expressions all of reverence to God.  Declarations of His holy worth.  The second part of the Psalm (vs 7b-11) tell us what happens when we refuse reverence.  We forfeit rest.  The powerful illustration comes from Israeli history before the wilderness wanderings.  The people tested God.  Tested His patience.  Tested His mercy.  Demanded more and more proof of His care.  Far past the point when they had sufficient evidence for trust. Do you notice that these attitudes are the exact opposite of reverence?  Not to worship God, not to declare His trustworthiness even during difficult times is a crime against Him.  A crime also against ourselves.  No worship.  No rest.  “Come (reverently) unto Me. . .I will give you rest.” says the Lord.

Push the Reset!

Re: Verse reading–Psalm 95 (day four)  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to ‘push the reset button’ sometimes in life!  While we would like to back up and reset our circumstances, so as to avoid a bad consequence,  God often uses a ‘reset’ to correct our direction of travel.  Verses 3-5 remind us exactly who God is, for the purpose of reorienting our lives to Him.  He did that with Job.  Job had lost sight of who God was and how He ruled.  In Job 38-41, God gives Job a ‘reset’…He gives him a not-so-gentle reminder of who God is.  Job repents and returns to God in faith.  In Psalm 95, the Psalmist reminds us who God is and cautions us not to follow the wrong path of the nation of Israel in the wilderness.  He resets and reorients our lives to Him.  Is there an area of your life that needs a ‘reset’?  Does you thinking need to be reoriented to God?  “For the Lord is a great God And a great King above all gods.”


Re: Verse reading–Psalm 95 (day three)  “Today, if only you would hear his voice…”  Jesus took this Psalm seriously.  He did not hurry about in his life because he along with the Psalmist knew something about this world.  He knew, in the words of late Dallas Willard, that “the universe was a perfectly safe place for us to be.”  Whether a little girl lay dying, or he himself suffered hunger in a trackless wilderness, or temple guards travelled to arrest him by night, Jesus found himself and others at home in God’s good universe.  Even adverse circumstances took place within a world that God made and that God commands.  Jesus’s ancestors in the desert did not take this reality seriously.  Our Lord shows us how it looks for a human being to live a life that confidently remembers today the Creator’s voice of authority over every created thing.

I’m Tired. Are You?

I’m tired. I don’t mean that in any metaphorical sense. There is no deeper meaning here. At the moment that I’m writing these words, I find myself physically and emotionally worn out. To read, “they will not enter My rest” (95:11) is for me particularly disturbing! Who is it who doesn’t find rest? I don’t want to be that guy! The one who misses rest is the one who misses worship. Worship isn’t first about singing songs about God or to God. Worship is first about seeing God as He really is, Creator and Ruler, and second about submitting to Him. “Let us worship and bow down; let us kneel…” (95:6). The real problem for the guy who won’t rest is that he won’t submit. How can he rest if he has to act as creator and ruler in all or some area of his life? So why am I so tired? Is it because I have failed to rest? Have I failed to rest because I have failed to worship? I’m tired. Are you?

Why worship?

Re: Verse reading–Psalm 95 (day one)
“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.”  (vs 1)  It is a “call to worship”.  A song that gathers/invites people for the purpose of praise.  Everyone has to be encouraged at times.  Worship is a choice not a feeling.  So the Psalm answers the obvious questions.  Why should we sing?  Why should we sing with joy?  Why should we sing to the Lord?  1) Because He created us.  He is “our maker” (vs 6).  2) Because He cares.  Like a shepherd protecting his sheep, God deserves our praise for His provision (vs 7).  3) Because He calls.  It is a great mistake to resist God.  The song writer remembers the disaster that came when Israel “hardened their hearts”(vs 7b-11).  It will be the same for us.  Why should we worship?  Because He created us, He cares for us, and He calls us to Himself and to His holiness.