Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day five)
Am still amazed at the radical generosity and hospitality of the Lord (every tribe, tongue, people, nation). Imagine hearing these words for the first time around 100AD. How much larger and more diverse was this Kingdom that Jesus had envisioned actually gonna be? Much more than anyone ever thought or dreamed. Were they comfortable with a larger and more diverse vision of the Kingdom? The flesh (in me) values comfort and control. Yet, when I read passages like this one, the Spirit presses me to desire and practice God’s kind of “gospel generosity hospitality”- seeing all people (tribe, tongue, people, nation) as potential citizens and priests of The Kingdom of God, encouraging/inviting them to surrender their lives to Christ, joining in the heavenly celebration and worship both now and forever. Want to reflect the character and kindness of God (which we were created to do)? Then we must practice “Gospel Generosity and Hospitality”.