Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 1:3-12(day five)
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,”
How are you? It’s a question we ask and get asked a lot. Sometimes it’s a cordial question- passing by and offering a quick greeting. Often the answer to that question is “fine” or “ok”. Sometimes though, it is a more deep and meaningful question. And the answer is longer and more personal. I have a friend at our church whose answer to that question never changes. “Blessed and highly favored”. I always ask him so that I can hear him answer. His answer helps and encourages me. It reminds me that I too, as a believer in Christ am “blessed and highly favored”. It presses into my mind and heart the certainty of my eternal reality in the midst of my current circumstances. Paul was doing the same thing. In the midst of his imprisonment, he himself, wants to remember and also remind his readers that they are blessed.
Pauls directs their attention towards God because God is deserving of our thanks and praise, and also because articulating our blessings helps us enjoy and understand them even more. So, let me remind you that “You are Blessed”!! Amen?