Re:Verse passage – Judges 7:1-11 (day four)
It is important who we surround ourselves with. Even heroes rarely act by themselves. Having an iron-sharpening-iron friend is vital to the success of every believer. For Gideon, the person closest to him was Purah, his servant. The name Purah means ‘fruitful branch.’ Purah’s name likely reveals his character. For Gideon, Purah’s presence was enough to overcome his fear of visiting the Midianite’s camp. Gideon was a better, obedient servant of God when accompanied by Purah.
Who is in your life that spurs you to serve God better and encourages you to walk uprightly before Him? Is there a Purah in your life that gives courage and commitment to you to be a better servant of God? Are you that person to someone else? If the answer is ‘no one’, ask God to bring someone into your life that sharpens your walk with Him! God never intended for us to face life alone…a strand of three cords is stronger!