Power Struggle

Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day seven) 

and they will reign upon the earth. Revelation 5:10b

Modern atheism would be defined as a a belief that there is no god, but the practice of modern atheism would point to a belief that you are your own god. This is the belief that each person is in charge of their own destiny and thus, their own god. Modern culture, even those who do not claim atheism, would encourage such behavior as well. Culture would tell you that you are the definer of your own truth, the maker of your own path, and the ruler of your own world.

The irony in all this is that through God, you are promised to rule the world. Despite our constant striving to be God, we find ourselves missing the very thing we have been working so hard to attain. We were in fact created to rule in this world, but we cannot rule without recognizing that we were first created to worship. When our priorities are correct, and we follow our Lord Jesus Christ, He will instill in us the desire and ability to lead others into joyful life with Him. This is our dominion.

God’s Song

Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day six)

For the Lord your God is living among you.
    He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
    With his love, he will calm all your fears.
    He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17

The world is filled with song. Wherever you go, people sing. Every tribe, people, and nation has songs to sing. We celebrate, commemorate, and narrate in song. John reminds us just how important songs are by capturing for us ” a new song.” This song comes from a long line of redemption songs: Exodus 15 (the first song recorded in the Bible), 2 Samuel 22, and even the Magnificat in Luke 1, to name a few.

It makes you wonder if, from the beginning, we were made to sing the glories of God. We were made in his image, after all, called to fill the earth with his glory, but what if the clearest and truest singing voice is not our own but God’s?

I can’t wait to hear it.

Generosity and Hospitality

Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day five)  

Am still amazed at the radical generosity and hospitality of the Lord (every tribe, tongue, people, nation). Imagine hearing these words for the first time around 100AD. How much larger and more diverse was this Kingdom that Jesus had envisioned actually gonna be?  Much more than anyone ever thought or dreamed. Were they comfortable with a larger and more diverse vision of the Kingdom? The flesh (in me) values comfort and control. Yet, when I read passages like this one, the Spirit presses me to desire and practice God’s kind of “gospel generosity hospitality”- seeing all people (tribe, tongue, people, nation) as potential citizens and priests of The Kingdom of God, encouraging/inviting them to surrender their lives to Christ, joining in the heavenly celebration and worship both now and forever.  Want to reflect the character and kindness of God (which we were created to do)?  Then we must practice “Gospel Generosity and Hospitality”.

A Kingdom of Priests

Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day four)

“And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God.” v. 10

Jesus flipped everything upside down when He came to earth. Our purpose and identity changed with that. Back in the Old Testament, we learn how God chose the priests of Israel and how He set apart the tribe of Levi to fulfill that role. This tribe was set apart, had specific duties, and was called to a specific way of life.

Here, now, in the final book of the Bible, we learn how Jesus flipped that role. His death and resurrection caused those of us that have been born again as believers and followers of Christ to assume that role of priest for the Lord. So, no matter who you are or where you are from, when you become a follower of Christ, you become a priest for God. That means that we are set apart and called to a specific way of life, similar to the Levitical priests of the Old Testament.

As you look at your life today and how you go about your week, are you living as a person that has been created by God to be set apart?


Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day three)

They will reign upon the earth.”

What kind of God creates people and then fits them to have say over his creation forever, exercising authority over the vastness of the riches of the universe? What kind of God does that? The God who is does that. That is the destiny for which God made each human person. Each person has a future that is full of more glory than one can imagine. And this destiny only magnifies the unfathomable catastrophe that occurs when one has lost one’s way, following a path that leads away – infinitely – from all that is good and beautiful. To help all people understand and grasp this future is the kind of work that takes seriously the catastrophe of such loss.

Every Nation

Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day two) 

You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation vs 9b

Im sitting in the hotel lobby in London about 6 hours before we have to get up and head for the airport to fly home. We are more than ready to be home. Less than ready for the heat, but it has been a life-changing mission-affirming two weeks of ministry. Informal and formal concerts numbered around 15; many kingdom conversations, and prayer over people; one life given to Christ.

One aspect of the tour that surprised me at every stop was the way people responded to the kids singing, especially when we sang Old Lang Syne set to new words. We were reminded time and time again that the Lord is alive and active across the globe. His death and resurrection was for every tribe and nation. It was exciting to see the gospel in  action.

Re:Verse Blog – 7/8/24

Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Revelation 5:9-10 in our Summer Re:Verse Series: “IMAGO DEI – What it means to be human.”


Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:28-30 (day seven)

For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son. Romans 8:29 

We tend to not like tension. It makes us uncomfortable. We view it as two opposites that are rubbing against one another, so we often try to avoid tension at all costs. In reality, or at least scientifically speaking, what we are attributing to tension is actually friction. Tension is two forces pulling against one another removing the slack that once lay between them. Tension straightens the line. When we feel tension in scripture, we should not run from it or glance over it because we are uncomfortable, rather, we should look at the the things which are causing the tension to figure out what it is that is being straightened out.

Here, many people will read the word predestined and attribute it to a certain line of thought. This may cause them to skip over the passage or jump to conclusions on what that word might mean, but if we let the tension pull us a little, we will look to see what is pulling on the other end. That would be a choice. That choice is to be conformed daily to renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). Conformity and foreknowledge are creating a tension that we may not fully understand, but we recognize that the presence of both are essential to our sanctification. That is a tension we can live in.

All In

Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:28-30 (day six).

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

God is all in. No one is more invested in your life than he is. He is so committed to you that he is working in and through “everything.” No matter the circumstance, heartache, or disappointment, he alone is working things out for your good. Even when you can’t see it or feel it, you can be certain he is working.

Like Joseph, you can declare, “What was meant for evil, God meant for good.” (Gen. 50:20) This good is as certain as Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. You can bet your life on it.

What on Earth?

Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:28-30 (day five).

Our Re:verse text gives an answer to this question, “What on earth is God up to?” Literally, God is using all the things we see, sense, and experience to do something grand and glorious in the hearts and lives of those who love Him. All of life on earth is designed and purposed by God to influence and affect those that love Him for a very specific goal- making them (“those” in the text) more and more like Jesus. God creates us in His image (Genesis 1:26) and then uses our (those that love God)  lives and circumstances on earth to continue that work for the same purpose- making us like Christ/Him (Colossians 1:15).  Take heart, this just doesn’t happen by chance. No, the great comfort and truth is that God is “working” (Does that ease your mind and heart?) for this profound and transforming purpose for us (good) and for Him (glory).