
Re:Verse passage – John 13: 1-17 (day three)

“He had come from God and was returning to God.” 

It might seem counterintuitive that one of the primary responsibilities of the human creature is to pay close attention to one’s self. Why would a disciple of Jesus do that? Because self awareness and knowledge are key components of the way Jesus lived his life. It was precisely because he knew the areas of his inner life in which he would experience temptation that he could take measures to resist the tempter’s lure. Such self knowledge doesn’t just appear magically. It comes with studied and unflinching introspection. From the Psalmist’s “search me and know me” prayer to Jesus’s frequent times of solitude in the “lonely places”, serious servants of God have always sought to know where they came from, their proper place before the Lord, and where they’re going.

Lead and Serve

Re:Verse passage – John 13: 1-17 (day two)

If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them. vs. 17

“Do you know what I have done to you? vs. 12b

Head and heart knowledge of truth are lived out in application. Jesus has painstakingly gone out of his way in this upper room discourse to educate in words and in deeds what is about to happen, and how the disciples should proceed. There was a very practical response to Jesus’ question: Yes, we understand what you are doing. The proof, however, is in the application. Do you want blessing? The fulfillment of the promise? Then go and do this for others. Find the hurting and bind up their wounds (physical AND spiritual). Seek out the hungry and feed them. Lead and Serve. It must be both. Do you understand what Jesus has done for you? Then go out and do this for others.

Better Plan

Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day seven)

Jesus does two extraordinary turnabouts in this text. They seem out of character and unlike the Jesus we often imagine.  For one, Jesus seems to ignore the Greeks who have asked to speak to him.  He never acknowledges them through this discourse. Then, in verse 36 Jesus hides himself from the unbelievers.

He could have at least spoken to the Greeks or stuck around to try to save some of the unbelievers, both of which seem more noble than this account in John 12.  Why did he leave all of them out in the cold?

We find the answer in verse 27: “Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.”

God’s plan rarely includes all the good we think it should.  We think Jesus could have talked to the Greeks or hung around a little bit longer, when, in fact, it was time for Jesus to head towards the cross.  God plans often diverge from our best intentions, and when they do we follow God anywhere and everywhere He goes, even when we have to give up good opportunities.

Don’t Be Discouraged

Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day six)

“…they still did not believe in Him.” John 12:37

Don’t be discouraged. That’s one of the messages of John 12. After all Jesus had done, they still did not believe; His own people rejected Him. Those closest to Jesus had to feel defeated and discouraged. This is why John includes Isaiah 53:1 and 6:10; it serves as a reminder that nothing or no one can thwart the plans of God.

When the seemingly unexpected happens, rest assured it is not out of God’s control. When the whole world seems to be falling apart, do not lose heart. When the church seems to be losing ground, and the world advancing, do not forget God’s promises.

Nothing can stop God.

Life Lessons

Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day five) Jesus had hard but honest words for the Greeks.  Same honest and hard words for us.  The christian life is difficult, counter cultural and counter intuitive.  The illustrations He chooses are not the feel-good pictures that would be considered market friendly-  dying like a grain of wheat, hating our life in this world, following Jesus on a path to suffering, and becoming a servant. However, these pictures are not the end of the story.  Jesus also has glorious promises for those that will die, devalue their own life, follow, and serve.  They will bear fruit, find eternal life, be near and close to Jesus, and will be honored by God.

What we learn is that the christian life is not easy, but it is productive,  intertwined with the presence and power of Jesus, and eternal.  Anyone want to live that kind of life (now and in eternity)?

It Takes Time

Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day four)

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could always say what Jesus said in verse 45?  “He who sees Me sees the One who sent Me.”  When people looked at us, we would hope that they would see Jesus…His character, His love, His obedience.  What can we do to insure that we are giving a clear and accurate picture of Christ to others?

We must first be familiar with the character of Christ.  This comes from spending time with Him…in Scripture, in prayer, in meditation, in practice.  If we don’t know the character of Christ, there is no way we can accurately paint a picture of it with our lives.  To intimately know Christ takes time.  If we want to have a firm, expansive knowledge of Scripture 10 years from now, we need to be deeply invested in study and daily practice now!  Many of the spiritual giants we read about now, got that way after a lifetime of faithful living.

Colossians 1 says, “I ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”


Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day three)

“I did not come to judge the world, but to save it.”

Indeed, why would Jesus judge anybody when we can take care of that job ourselves?  I’m kidding. Or am I? Seriously, though, who’s up for a little more immediacy when it comes to bad people getting their comeuppance? Do you really want to go there, though? God’s slowness has some good things going for it. Consider the composer of Psalm 139 who prayed, “God, slay the wicked,” then turned around and said, “Wait a minute, you better check my heart first and forgive my sin before you do that.” Or consider Peter’s words telling us that what seems like a delay in God’s justice actually allowed you the interval you needed to come to Christ. There will be a time for judgment. Right now, we need a Savior.

Look Up

Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day two)

And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself. vs. 32

What is our job in regards to evangelism? How are we to reveal the deep truths of the gospel to people who don’t know, have never heard, or who are hostile to the church.

Look up. The work has been done for us. Tell the story of Jesus and the cross. He will draw people to him. He has done all that is necessary. Aren’t you grateful for that? The image is so powerfully drawn. Jesus gives the parameters even before the event. He will be lifted up, and we must look to the cross. It is only through the cross. Jesus knew this, and he didn’t want them to miss it, and didn’t want us to miss it either.

Confused? Lift you heads, look to the cross. He will draw all to him.

Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – New Monday Edition!!!

Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day one)

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