Tell What You Know

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:8-17 (day two) …but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; vs. 15

I’m thinking a lot about Christmas these days. Let’s be honest, I think a lot about Christmas most days. Our theme this year is ‘Go and Tell’ which is a combination of the Great Commission, and the eagerness of the shepherds after their encounter with the angels and the baby Jesus. The shepherds are an incredible model for us as witnessing believers. There is no way they could understand the significance of all the events to which they were a witness. That fact, however, did not stop them from telling everyone they encountered about what they saw. Our responsibility is not to have a Master’s of Divinity in Exegetical Preaching. Ours is to simply, clearly, lovingly tell others who we know Jesus to be in our own lives, in our own words. To be clear, we should always pursue a greater understanding of God and his great work, but our qualification to share is our relationship with him. To preach Christ crucified and alive. This is truth. This is worth sharing.

Re:Verse Blog – 10/17/22

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:8-17 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through 1 Peter 3:8-17 in our Fall Re:Verse Series: “To Be Holy Like Jesus” A Study in 1 Peter.

Who are You Trying to Impress?

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day seven)

Your adornment must not be merely external…

The women whom Peter was referring to were dressing and adorning themselves extravagantly. So much to the point that it had become a distraction in the congregation. Maybe they were trying to appear more holy or more educated. Maybe their goals were vain and they were seeking attention for their beauty. Nevertheless, while trying so hard to gain the attention of those around them, they were neglecting the attention of the One who gave them their true beauty.

Who are you trying to impress? It may be with clothes or jewelry, or it could be with words or attitude, but it becomes easy for us to enter our church buildings more worried about how we will be perceived by others in the room than the message we came there to receive. You have created a distraction by making others the object of your worship rather than God. Who will you try to impress today?

Good, Good Word

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day six)

32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else? Romans 8:32

We all get pretty anxious reading texts like 1 Peter 3:1-7. I’m a father of three daughters, and I get anxious. There is a high level of sensitivity when our autonomy and equality feels constrained. It can feel like something is being taken, or for some it feels like they have always been without.

What gives me comfort as I read hard texts is reminding myself that God is always a giver and never a taker. He never robs us or strips us of our humanity or dignity; he never takes away our joy, or our purpose. No, God’s desire is that we flourish as his image bearers; men and women, husbands and wives together.

I’m reminded I can always trust that God’s Word is good.

In the Same Way

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day five) “In the same way…”  What do we believe about God?  No really, what do we believe about God?  What about God’s sovereignty?  What about God’s wisdom?  What about God’s graciousness?  What about God’s holiness?  What we believe and understand about God can be life changing and life giving. It affects how we view creation. And as created beings, it affects how we view every part of our lives, even our relationships. Does God’s wisdom and sovereignty inform and influence our relationships?
Peter says, yes- political, social, martial (in the same way). What we believe about God will and should shape the way we act  live in all our relationships- In the same way!  God knows what He is doing.


Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day four)

The key to this passage seems to be found in verse 4…”but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit…”  What is the ‘hidden person of the heart’?  It is referring to character.   Norman Blackaby and Gene Wilkes, in their book entitled Character – The Pulse of Discipleship say this:  “Biblically, character is defined by the quality of our intimate fellowship with God.  In our relationship with God, we find our moral compass, calling, and spiritual strength to live in an intimate relationship with Him and to complete what God has called us to do.”

All through Scripture, character is identified as residing in the “heart”.  In our passage, Peter identifies adornments that can be added or taken off at will.  Character requires a lifestyle that builds a foundation in our heart that guides our response to the experiences of life.  Character takes time to build.  Allow Christ to build in your heart…to establish His character.  Qualities like a gentle and quiet spirit produces lasting benefits!


Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day three)

“Wives, be submissive to your own husbands … husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way”

Does the Bible tell you who is to make the financial decisions in your marriage – if you are married? Does the Bible reveal who is to “have the final say” in a dispute between the husband and wife? Does it tell you who is to make more money, or whether a wife should take employment while her husband stays home with the children? The Bible does not. Some will think such matters are implied, and others will disagree. Meanwhile, each couple will find their own way to arrange their household. The thing that Peter is explicit about here is this: When demanding gives way to softness toward each other, husband and wife will move closer together. And both deeply desire this.

In the Same Way

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day two) 

In the same way…vs 1a

There are few New Testament passages that cause more angst than this one, and a similar discourse found in Ephesians. There are many ways that this letter can be abused, but it is not an outdated text. What strikes me is Peter’s constant use of the phrase ‘in the same way.’ When you hear this misused, I think that part of the scripture is not dealt with sufficiently. As Pastor Chris pointed out in the Re:Vlog yesterday the continuity of the letter flows from citizenship, to slaves, to wives, to husbands, and the connecting clause is the phrase ‘in the same way.’ Believers in anyone of those classifications should take the admonishment uttered to the others as if Peter were speaking to them….because he is. Now re-read chapters 1-3 and change the audience to you. Apply the directives he gives for submission, gentleness, and integrity to your life. This was his intent.

Re:Verse Blog – 10/10/22

Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 3:1-7 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through 1 Peter 3:1-7 in our Fall Re:Verse Series: “To Be Holy Like Jesus” A Study in 1 Peter.


Re:Verse passage – 1 Peter 2:18-25 (day seven)

Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable. vs 18

By the grace of God, our human institutions have begun to realize the injustices of our past as we have sought to eradicate slavery across the globe. It is that same grace of God that we as individuals are imparted with to endure the injustices that linger in its wake. What becomes hard to swallow is when we realize that we are called to love those who are unjust. It is one thing to suck it up and endure injustice from them, but it is another to love them in the midst of it. Love is the only way that Jesus endured the cross. Love is the only way the Father endures our constant rebellion. Love not only will be the way we endure the injustices of this world, it is the cure!