Re:Verse passage – Matthew 5:1-12 (day five)
“He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying,”
Can you imagine hearing Jesus’ words found in Matthew 5-7 for the very first time? Having been recently recruited to follow Him. The intensity of the growing onlookers- continuous healing, teaching, and preaching. Being with Jesus as He retreated from the large crowds. Him sitting down and encouraging/challenging them- reshaping and clarifying the perspective and possibilities of a life that is pleasing to God. It was revolutionary!! There’s hope in these words. There’s opportunity in these words. There’s wisdom in these words. There’s life in these words.
Let’s look and listen intently for the next 13 weeks at these words. May we come to the same conclusion that Peter did, “Lord… you have words of eternal life.”May we find hope, wisdom, and life from the “Sermon on the Mount”.