Re:Verse passage – John 13: 1-17 (day five)
John 13:1b having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.
Jesus does many amazing things all in this particular act of love. It was definitely a teaching moment. It was also an empowering moment. But above all, it was an act of love- selfless love. What would cause Him to pause as He continued deeper and deeper into the shadow of the cross? Love.
He is also teaching them so many lessons: no one is above serving, no one is below being served, a pattern for selfless love, Jesus is the source to be able to love like that.
I wonder if they “got it” while it was happening? I suspect as they reflected later and realized how close this event was to the crucifixion it made even more of an impact.
This kind of sacrificial love and service points directly to the gospel. Only a gospel transformation of one’s heart and nature can cause us to humbly and lovingly serve others like this.