Works vs Good Works

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 2:8-10 (day five). Ever get “cabin fever” or go “stir crazy”? (remember  snowmageddon) The natural response is restlessness and frustration. My response is often to just get out or get away and do something. It’s a natural tendency to want to immediately “do something”or “do anything”. Ever thought or said those words? Some times we relate to salvation and faith the same way, “I’ve got to do something”.  Paul says no.  Clearly. Succinctly. Not by works (there’s nothing you can do for your salvation). But then, he goes on to say we were created in Christ to do good works.  Confused?  Frustrated? The clarity comes when you examine the “good works”. Our tendency is think, “I need to do something/anything” (works). But the scriptures are teaching us to think and trust, “I need to patiently wait and discover the things God has for me to do” (good works vs. 10). Sometimes waiting/discovering what God has and desires for us to do is the work. It’s just as hard and is as much work as actually doing.

The Closer You Get…

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 1:15-23(day five) “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.”

When Paul prays for the Ephesians, first and foremost, he wants them to be “closer” (my word) to God. Other translations will say “know Him better” or “knowing Him personally”. What Paul believes is that if these faithful followers of Christ can get closer to God (know him better or more personally/intimately) it will change how they see things (eyes of your heart). It will lift their attention and focus from their current circumstances to the deeper and eternal realities that have already been set in place. Remember Paul is in prison (circumstance), but the eyes of his heart is helping him see something longer and larger going on in him and around him. What they (we) need, is to see the world (including circumstances) the way God sees it- which is the way it really is (hope, riches, power). And drawing closer to God makes that possible- even in prison.

You are Blessed

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 1:3-12(day five) 

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,”

How are you?  It’s a question we ask and get asked a lot. Sometimes it’s a cordial question- passing by and offering a quick greeting. Often the answer to that question is “fine” or “ok”. Sometimes though, it is a more deep and meaningful question. And the answer is longer and more personal. I have a friend at our church whose answer to that question never changes.  “Blessed and highly favored”. I always ask him so that I can hear him answer. His answer helps and encourages me. It reminds me that I too, as a believer in Christ am “blessed and highly favored”. It presses into my mind and heart the certainty of my eternal reality in the midst of my current circumstances. Paul was doing the same thing. In the midst of his imprisonment, he himself, wants to remember and also remind his readers that they are blessed.

Pauls directs their attention towards God because God is deserving of our thanks and praise, and also because articulating our blessings helps us enjoy and understand them even more. So, let me remind you that “You are Blessed”!!  Amen?


Re:Verse passage – Colossians 1:15-24(day five)  If Jesus is the perfect picture (image) of God- and He is. Then a good question might be, “Is He is also the best picture of human beings?”  The answer is Yes.  Jesus is the complete and full image of all that man was created to be. And as a man, He perfectly displayed the nature and character of God. “He is the image of the invisible God”  There is great hope, privilege, and opportunity for each of us (who have a relationship with God through Christ), to  become like Christ and be an image bearer. So then, we must ask ourselves (and ask it all the time) what could be uncomfortable and awkward questions, “Do others see in me a picture and image of the invisible God?”  “Do I faithfully glorify God as an image of both His holiness and grace?”


Re:Verse passage – Romans 12:1-2  (day five)  When we hear a truth or wonderful news, how long do we think about it?  With the amount of information and data that daily crosses our eyes and minds (mainly due to smarts phones, tablets, and TV’s) how long do we keep that information “stored”?  Often the tendency is to move on to the next communication or new news. But, Paul is prescribing something different. He is encouraging the Romans to keep thinking about and processing God’s mercy to them (the Gospel). It should act as a lens and filter for everything- our thoughts (renewed minds) and our actions (sacrificial living). Paul believes that we should be constantly and intentionally thinking and acting with God’s kindness and graciousness (to us) at the forefront of our minds. Actions, reactions, thoughts, words, speech, values, and priorities all should pass through the filter of God’s great love and kindness to us. I like another translation of this verse, “in view of God’s mercy”. What would our lives, minds, and hearts look like if we constantly kept this “view” and perspective?


Re:Verse passage – Proverbs 31:8  (day five)

When you encounter the needy, what do you do?  Better yet, do you even see or notice those around you who are suffering and helpless?  The scriptures teach us that when we walk “in step” with the Spirit, we will see and notice others who are facing injustice and who are suffering- Spiritually, Physically, and Socially . Jesus did. And He modeled the kind of compassion and concern Proverbs 31 prescribes. We see that in what Jesus did (drew near, healed, gave dignity, and treated kindly) and what He said/taught (Sermon on the Mount, Good Samaritan Parable).

So maybe we start with the question, “Do I even  see or notice the poor and needy around me?”  If not, why not? (Jesus did)  Then the question becomes, “What am I doing or saying that helps, encourages, and meets their needs?”  Lord, give us Your grace to see and Your grace to share as we minister to and encourage those around us who suffer and face injustice.


Re:Verse passage – Psalm 139:13-16 pt. 2 (day five)

What do we do with the tensions of Psalm 139? Our own insecurities vs God’s fearful and wonderful creation. Our self-esteem vs God’s sovereign design and activity in creating us. Did you sense the collision as you read our Re:Verse text?

The temptation is to look and think inward and outward. About us. About who we are. How we look and feel. How our bodies work or don’t work. It is good to be reminded that God has knit us together. His work. His hands. His plan. Yet, David finds something better (for us) than these reminders- looking and thinking upward. Worship (I praise you-vs. 13) I read a quote this week that expounds on this perspective, we “were made for everlasting worship, not daily doses of self-worth.”  As we fervently and frequently praise God for His wonderful works, He receives glory and we find joy. John Piper’s quote (God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him) holds true. Our thoughts and views (inward and outward) turn into praise and worship (upward). It is then that we find the joy, hope, peace, and contentment we ultimately long for and what we were created for. 

Generosity and Hospitality

Re:Verse passage – Revelation 5:9-10 (day five)  

Am still amazed at the radical generosity and hospitality of the Lord (every tribe, tongue, people, nation). Imagine hearing these words for the first time around 100AD. How much larger and more diverse was this Kingdom that Jesus had envisioned actually gonna be?  Much more than anyone ever thought or dreamed. Were they comfortable with a larger and more diverse vision of the Kingdom? The flesh (in me) values comfort and control. Yet, when I read passages like this one, the Spirit presses me to desire and practice God’s kind of “gospel generosity hospitality”- seeing all people (tribe, tongue, people, nation) as potential citizens and priests of The Kingdom of God, encouraging/inviting them to surrender their lives to Christ, joining in the heavenly celebration and worship both now and forever.  Want to reflect the character and kindness of God (which we were created to do)?  Then we must practice “Gospel Generosity and Hospitality”.

What on Earth?

Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:28-30 (day five).

Our Re:verse text gives an answer to this question, “What on earth is God up to?” Literally, God is using all the things we see, sense, and experience to do something grand and glorious in the hearts and lives of those who love Him. All of life on earth is designed and purposed by God to influence and affect those that love Him for a very specific goal- making them (“those” in the text) more and more like Jesus. God creates us in His image (Genesis 1:26) and then uses our (those that love God)  lives and circumstances on earth to continue that work for the same purpose- making us like Christ/Him (Colossians 1:15).  Take heart, this just doesn’t happen by chance. No, the great comfort and truth is that God is “working” (Does that ease your mind and heart?) for this profound and transforming purpose for us (good) and for Him (glory).

Holy Hugs

Re:Verse passage – 1 John 4:19–21 (day five) “for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.”

For decades, as a Youth Pastor, I would encourage students to take a few minutes during most every gathering time and give out “Holy Hugs”. For some students who were newer to the group (Christians and non-Christians) I could see how unique and captivating this time was. But I also saw in their eyes, an amazement and curiosity about how fellow teenagers not only had genuine love for one another, but also were willing to visually and verbally express it.  Those hugs, handshakes, and words of encouragement we exchange with other believers are indeed “holy because they reflect the love of God. What if people  see our love for each other and that leads them to discover and understand God’s love for them (the gospel). I’ve seen that happen many times. What if people conclude “the one who loves his brother that he has seen, must love and be loved by God who he has not seen.” Let’s love each other well, and may that love lead others to find the love and life that Christ came to give.