Re:Verse passage – Psalm 72:1-14 (day five). Jesus (who is ultimately being described in this Psalm) is indeed the King of kings and Lord of lords. How?? Why?? It is not by force as some were hoping. It is not by power or miracles as others were thinking. No. When we read this Psalm it becomes crystal clear. Jesus reigns with holy righteousness/justice while at the same time demonstrating gracious compassion/mercy. People (tribes and tongues, and social classes) are drawn to Him in worship and service. No earthly leader or government has ever been capable of doing that. The Psalm points past Solomon to the perfect King-the Lamb upon the throne, who would come to usher in the Kingdom of God.
Author: Scott Lane
Re:Verse passage – Psalm 96 (day five)
What do you believe about worship? How central and prevalent is it in your life and faith? When, where, why, and how do you worship the living God? This Psalm will teach, encourage, and correct.
A few quotes that challenge me and my view of worship:
“Worship is the goal and the fuel of missions: Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Missions is our way of saying: the joy of knowing Christ is not a private, or tribal, or national or ethnic privilege. It is for all. And that’s why we go. Because we have tasted the joy of worshiping Jesus, and we want all the families of the earth included.”- John Piper
“The message of worship is not some hidden truth reserved only for the seasoned saints of the deeper life. It’s a street-level message that will challenge the imagination of even the most hardened among humanity: ‘God is looking for worshipers, and you could be one of them.’ Worship is not some kind of acquired skill that can only be learned after years of religious training. It is actually the most natural response of God’s creation to His manifest presence”.
“Worshipers, don’t just enjoy God’s wonderful presence for yourselves. Call others to join you there through faith in Christ. And those of you who want to see the world come to Christ, don’t just call men and women to believe, call them to worship.” Gerrit Gustafson
Re:Verse passage – Psalm 89 (day four) “I will establish your seed forever And build up your throne to all generations. Selah.”
When we see the word “Selah”, it calls for us to pause, reflect, and contemplate what has just been said. In this case, it is the promise of God to David when he was anointed king (2 Samuel 7).
I’ve taught teenagers for decades to look for and circle the words “will” or “shall” in their bibles as that usually indicates a promise from the Lord. God is both the promise maker AND promise keeper (perfect record). What the Psalmist does here, I encourage us all to do- Recall and reflect (Selah) on the promises God has made (to us/you) through scripture. Maybe this morning one jumps out. His promised peace, strength, presence, wisdom, or forgiveness (to name a few). How might you praise Him today for His kept promises? Maybe a big part of your prayer time today would be to praise Him for faithfully keeping that promise.
Background Music
Re:Verse passage – Psalm 98 (day five)
One of the interesting things about the Christmas Season (even from a secular perspective) is that it has its own background music. Some radio stations begin playing “Christmas Music” as early as November 1. Music and song are so influential on our attitude, perspective, and outlook. Don’t believe me? Next time you’re in the pool (better yet the ocean) with your friends (especially at night) hum the first several notes to the Jaws theme and wait for the reaction. I read this quote about Psalm 98. “Always live your life against the background music of joy.” (Psalm 98 gives perfect instruction for Praising and Worshipping the Living God) The reaction will be- That we will remember well, what God has done. We will be more aware of what God is currently doing in us, around us, and thru us. And, we will become excited and expectant for Him to fulfill His promises (Even So, Come, Lord Jesus).
Re:Verse passage – Psalm 85:1-3, 8-13(day five)
It is important, no, it is vital we remember and remind ourselves of our past experiences and encounters with the Living God. His grace. His holiness. His kindness. His strength. His glory. His wisdom. His judgements. Can you recall when you have sensed and seen these things from the Lord? As we remember God’s character and activity in our lives, our reflection brings a sense of both trust and peace. We can learn from past experiences to have confidence in His righteous judgement and wisdom. We can pray that He will continue to provide mercy and grace for His glory and our good. When that happens, we have confidence in both the lovingkindness and truthfulness of God as well as His promised peace in the middle of His righteous rule over His creation and created beings.
What We Really Need
Re:Verse passage – Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19(day five)
“O Lord God of hosts, restore us; Cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved.”
What is it we really need from God? What is it, that if all were stripped away, we couldn’t do without? It’s His face- attention, affection, intimacy (personal relationship). And with those, comes His promised salvation. If we cry out in confession and repentance, He hears and He saves!! From the penalty of sin (the first moment we cry out). From the presence of sin (when we at last shall see Him face to face). And currently when we cry out, He saves us from the power of sin. Notice that promise is made 3 times (vs 3, 7, 19). He comes close (close enough for us to see/feel His face shine). He restores. He revives. That’s what we really need. Praise God for the hope we have in His promised salvation!!
What We Do Know
Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 6:17-20(day five). So much of God’s character and even God’s will for us is unknown. That can be, at the very least intimidating, often even paralyzing. We want to wait and be patient for God to reveal His plan and will for our lives. Waiting, listening, seeking, are all very helpful and instructed. But, some wait to the point of idleness and even disobedience. Yet, there are parts and facets of God’s will we absolutely do know. Look at Paul’s words. “Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” Paul understood that regardless of his circumstances, at least part of God’s will was to speak and share the gospel boldly and intentionally. Truth be told, that’s part of His will for all of us. What are other parts of His will that are crystal clear for all believers? Loving God? Loving our neighbors? Serving others? Witnessing? Worshipping?
Had a professor say something I thought was quite profound as he was teaching about God’s will. His encouragement was in order to understand and learn more about God’s will (as He reveals it) for each of us, we should participate in the facets of God’s will for all of us (found in the scriptures). Here’s the quote- “Don’t let what you don’t know keep you from doing what you do know.”
In Need
Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 6:10-17(day five) Is this passage humbling to you? It is for me. We live in a culture and society that is unhealthily self sufficient and self relying. Think about how many times when people ask us if we need help, assistance, or aid we answer with the following responses- “I got this” or “I’m good”. Often times, they’re asking because they see us struggling or see the difficulty we are actually facing (sometimes we don’t even know it). We try to either make it on our own, or get by with as little help as possible.
I was struck this week by how comprehensive and well rounded the armor of God is. It is not minimal at all. It is thorough, from top to bottom. Why? Because we (I) really are in need of that much and those kinds of help. We actually are that incapable. We are in fact (on our own) weak, overmatched, and unable to even just stand firm. God gives us this complete and amazing “armor” because we really do need it. In essence, our disobedience, pride, and unfaithfulness is telling God, “I got this” or “I’m good”. How foolish does that seem? May God find us willing to put on His whole armor and find the strength and assurance we so desperately need.
One Another
Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 5:15-21(day five)
In a culture and climate where we are often tempted and encouraged to keep our faith personal and private, the scriptures point to a different approach. Even with a subject so deeply intense and unique to each believer (being filled with the Spirit), Paul encourages and prescribes an outward response and evidence of the work of the Spirit. It’s found two times after he says, “Be filled with the Spirit.” “One Another”. There is this sense in our Re:Verse passage of genuine interaction and community. Speaking and singing to and with one another- vs 19. Serving and submitting to and with one another- vs 21. We are filled in and for genuine community.
As the Spirit fills us, may we joyfully encourage and submit to one another with our speech, our songs, and our service.
Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 5:8-14(day five) The NIV translates verse 11, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” I like that picture and imagery. NOTHING!! Not acting. Not thinking. Not looking. Not questioning. Not wondering. When we even consider or dabble in those deeds of darkness, in a sense we “face” toward them. Our attention moves to them. Paul’s solution face the opposite direction. Towards God and His light and love. What compels us to do that? The priority and passion of pleasing Him. Notice all our attention and affection move from those deeds of darkness to pleasing the Lord. We move from nothing to all. All our time. All our thoughts. All our actions. All our questions and concerns. We mentally, emotionally, and spiritually shift to learning about the Lord and His character and nature, so that we might please Him.