Listen and Look

Re:Verse passage – Luke 12:13-21 (day five)

Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.”

Seemingly in the middle of teaching about the Kingdom of God, Jesus is interrupted. This man wanted to change the subject and ask about what is on his heart- that is money and greed (covetousness). Watch what Jesus does. He hears the outward complaint and request, and turns the conversation to a spiritual conversation about the Kingdom of God.

I usually don’t make New Year’s Resolutions- hope that improvements and  new patterns last longer than a year. However, as the new year begins, I usually pause to take a self-inventory and ask the Lord where I can make progress. One of the places He pressed on my heart last week, was to begin and build on relationships to influence and leverage faith in order to witness. Here, we have Jesus doing that. Listening. Sensing what was really in the man’s heart. Then speaking Biblical Principles that point to the kingdom of God. I have taken note. I seek to do the same thing. Intentionally use moments and conversations (even interruptions) to point people to the Kingdom of God and share my faith. Will you listen and look to do the same?


Re:Verse passage – Luke 11:5-13  (day five)

“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”  

Bold promises given by Jesus at the end of the parable. We understand these verses are not a blank check to ask for whatever we want.  They are an invitation to an honest dialogue within a vibrant and growing relationship with the Lord.

Then He said to them, “Suppose one of you has a friend, and goes to him at midnight and says to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves’”.

The persistence described in this parable is no doubt the result from previous encounters and experiences between the two “friends”. There was familiarity, “You know me. You know my heart”.  There was certainty, “I know you have what I need”. There was honesty and vulnerability, “This is why I am asking, I have nothing to give”.

The end of the year provides a good time to evaluate our relationship with God. Is our relationship with the Lord vibrant and growing?  Is there familiarity between us and the Lord?  Byproduct of time spent together. Is there certainty?  What do we know and understand about the Lord and His character and nature?  Is there vulnerability? Confession and repentance are crucial.

Lord, help us have that kind of relationship with You!!  Let’s be persistent in that kind of prayer!

Outside the Lines

Re:Verse passage – Luke 10:25-37 (day five)  But wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
The question asked by the lawyer seems innocent and harmless on the surface, but a deeper dig reveals a selfish human heart. What the lawyer is trying to do is to draw a line around his relationships and experiences that will help him feel safe in his worldview and religiously adequate in his keeping of the law. To the Jews of that time “neighbors” were immediate relatives, members of the same tribe, those of Jewish descent, and finally those who hade converted to Judaism.  They were using the law as a wall to insulate and isolate themselves from culture.
Jesus’ answer (in a parable) totally wrecked that line of thinking. Outside the lines.  Tore down the walls. Endless opportunities and possibilities to love and serve others.
Jesus taught that “neighbors” are not only family and friends, but also enemies which implies limitless opportunities and possibilities for us to love our “neighbors”.


Re:Verse passage – Luke 8:1-15 (day five)

“The sower went out to sow his seed;”

It seems like a “no-brainer” to say or think that a sower is gonna sow. But there comes a moment or occasion for action and engagement.  The interesting thing to me, is that the sower knows exactly who he/she is and understands that their identity is tied to their activity.  A decision or determination was made to “sow”, because that’s who they are.

I wonder how well believers understand their/our identity as believers- who we are and how that correlates in to our attitudes and actions.  Let’s mention a few:  We are worshippers. We are witnesses. We are followers. We are disciples (learners). We are servants. We are members (family/body).  So, if identity correlates to activity, what should we be doing because of who we are?  Learning? Witnessing? Worshipping? Etc.

If there is a disconnect, is it in the understanding of identity, or the absence of activity?  Lord, show us/remind us, who we are and help us live that out faithfully!!

Living is Building

Re:Verse passage – Luke 6:46-49 (day five)  Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like.
Jesus concludes His lengthy sermon with a parable. He brilliantly places humans into 2 groups. Wise builders and foolish builders. Don’t miss what He is teaching. Every person is a builder. To live is to build. And construction happens every day. Each life is a house- values, priorities, character, temperament, perspective, choices, dedication, determination, and decisions.  All of these can be formed and framed by obedience to the Lord as a result of an intimate and vibrant relationship with Him (Lord, Lord). Jesus also teaches not only are we are all builders, but the storms of life hit all of us too- trials, tragedy, temptation. They’re Sudden. Intense. Forceful.
We all will experience and feel the storms. Yet in a life (house) whose foundation is built on the Rock, there is a sense of safety, peace, hope, and strength (during and after the storm).  Takes time and work (like digging)- Listening, Learning, Obeying.   We must build daily and regularly.
Slowly and surely, the house comes together.

Advent Answer

Re:Verse passage – Luke 5:33-39 (day five)

Jesus answered, “Can you make the friends of the bridegroom fast while he is with them?”

Isn’t Jesus’ answer to the Pharisee’s question remarkable?  In His question (answer) back to them, Jesus emphasizes the mission and ministry of His Father.  As we think about this season of Advent, we understand that Jesus’ coming over 2000 years ago, was the promise that God would send Emmanuel (God with us).  In addition, not only the ministry of God, but the mission of God- to bring Peace and Joy to the human heart.  The angels declared “good tidings of great joy- which shall be for all the people” (Luke 2:10).  Does your heart feel the celebration that Christ came to bring?  Like a wedding! No need to fast right now (because of this news)-  the Savior has come to be with “all the people” (you and me) and bring to them (us) a cause and desire to celebrate His presence now with us and in us because of the indwelling Holy Spirit and His provision of salvation.

God with us, God restoring sin-filled and broken human hearts with the joy and forgiveness of the Gospel.  That’s the Good News of the Advent season.

God’s Design

Re:Verse passage – James 5:19-20 (day five) 

“My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back,” Does it make you uncomfortable to fathom that you might get “off track” in your faith?  Have there been moments or seasons when you/we “strayed from the truth” in either doctrine or behavior? Part of God’s design for the Christian life is to live it in community- with other believers- to be vulnerable and transparent with one another. God uses other believers to encourage, correct, and restore faith. Has He done that to you?  Through you?  Do you have those kinds of believers in your life?  If so, will you thank them?  If not, will you find them?

“If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4


Re:Verse passage – James 5:12-18 (day five)

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.

Were YOU encouraged by the ReVerse passage this week?  Did you sense that you were welcomed and encouraged to experience grace, strength, and help?

God’s invitation to seek and find Him through prayer and praise is not just for the “Super Saints” it’s for Anyone. It’s for YOU, it’s for ME.  We are on this invitation list.  There is help!  There is encouragement!  There are promises!  For Anyone!!


Re:Verse passage – James 5:7-11 (day five)

“Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.”

I am by nature a visual learner, meaning that often times I can understand or grasp a truth or principle if I can see it or visualize it. I suspect I am not alone. Our Re:Verse passage this week has helped me see (in James’ word pictures) that patience is not an inactive or idle task. Whether in waiting or suffering, patience goes hand in hand with activity.  While the farmer waits for the rain, he still must work and tend the land. Weeds removed. Fertilizer added. Patience while waiting requires me to tend my heart (the soil of the gospel).

Patience while suffering looks like activity.  See what the prophets did?  They spoke the Word of God. When I suffer, I can do the same thing. First, I can speak the promises and character of God to myself, then by His grace I can share it with others.

Whether I’m waiting and/or suffering, James shows me what I can do. I can work and serve, I can preach and teach (to myself and others). Thank you, Lord for your helpful pictures and wisdom!


Re:Verse passage – James 5:1-6 (day five) “Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you.”  God’s economy is so different than the human economy we find here on earth. Those materials we store and hoard on earth as valuable treasures, God uses to adorn gates and pave roads in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21).
Like a “dangerous curve ahead sign” James warns all who travel the road of life on earth (believers and non-believers) that danger may be lurking for those who are so self-focused (attaining and maintaining wealth) that they pay no attention to their surroundings (a gracious and generous God, people created in His image, and an eternal existence where being in relationship and in the presence of God is all that will matter). James warns that wealth and riches can place on a path where grave danger lies ahead. Do you see the sign??  Check your surroundings- your heart, your relationships, your priorities.