A Little Faith

Re:Verse passage – Job 13:15-16; 14:1-2, 14-17 (day five) 

“Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.”  Do you sense and see Job’s faith growing and stretching- ever so slightly. There is lament. There is sorrow. There is immense suffering. Yet woven into his heart and thoughts are little kernels of hope and trust. Which is easier, to trust God with praise or pain?  Which demands more determination, to recognize His silence or to believe that within His silence, He will hear our cries and pleas.  Job’s faith is still there. It is bludgeoned and bruised, it is its most minuscule, but Job’s faith continues to give rise to hope.  All that is needed according to Jesus is a mustard seed.

A Good Friday thought about Jesus’ suffering from Tim Keller: “Jesus lost all his glory so that we could be clothed in it. He was shut out so we could get access. He was bound, nailed, so that we could be free. He was cast out so we could approach. And Jesus took away the only kind of suffering that can really destroy you: that is being cast away from God.”

Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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