Re:Verse reading–Luke 3:1-20 (day four)
V. 8 – “Therefore bear fruits in keeping with repentance,”
No one wants to be called ‘judgmental’. In today’s politically correct environment, that would be disaster. Was John judging others? He was teaching that the actions of our life should be in line with the words of our mouth. Our lives should give evidence of the character and principles of God, if we claim a relationship with Him. God’s Word judges us. If the fruits of our lives do not agree with His Word, we are judged. As believers we must learn to recognize ‘fruits that are in keeping with repentance’.
Most of all, we need to examine our lives, to make sure we are producing the right fruit. Can people see in us the character of Christ? As the different people came to John for baptism, they asked how this relationship of repentance looked like in their lives. It’s a good question for each of us to ask…what does a relationship with Christ look like in my life?