Church and State

Re:Verse reading–Romans 13 (day one)

“For it (government) does not bear the sword for nothing. . .it is a minister of God. . .who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.”–v 4.

Election year in our nation.  Clear thinking needed.  Church and state are not “separated”.  Not in the mind of God.  Both have assigned functions.  Both answer to Him.

The state exists to “bring wrath on the one who practices evil”.  The symbol is “the sword”– the legitimate use of force.  Law enFORCEment.  To check evil tendencies and to “praise” those who do good–v 3.

The church exists to be “the body of Christ”, to extend His presence, His name, His will into the world by Holy Spirit filled life.

The state enforces boundaries.  The church lives in the Spirit.  The believer is to respect both out of love for God.

Should a believer ever oppose an unjust government?  Let’s think together this week as we read Romans 13.


Cold Christian?

Re:Verse passage: Romans 12 (day seven)

“Fervent is Spirit, serving the Lord”–v 11.

Can you name something that is useless or unappetizing when cold?  A campfire?  Spaghetti?  A church?  Less about temperature.  More about intensity.  “Fervent in Spirit” describes a believer “on fire”.  Emitting light and warmth, spending himself (being consumed) in service, igniting others.

Did Paul already know Christians who had lost enthusiasm?  Probably.  Jesus warned of it. “Because lawlessness is increased most people’s love will grow cold.”Matthew 24:12.  Love and Law are connected. Apart from courageous obedience, their relationship suffered.  Passionate, fervent, love for Christ disappeared.  Brrrr!

Honest now, are there signs of a temperature drop in your life?  Is there intensity?  Courage?  Are others ignited by your witness and example?

“For this reason, I remind you to FAN INTO FLAME the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”–2 Timothy 1:6  What will you do, today, to keep the fire going?

Spiritual worship

Re: Verse reading — Romans 12 (day one) 

“I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.“–v 1.

When does worship happen?  Where are you?  In a sanctuary?  Listening to a choir?  Praise band?  Sermon?  In a quiet time of study and prayer?  Looking at a nighttime sky full of stars?

Paul has a specific marker for spiritual worship (some translations read “reasonable service” i.e. that response to God that “makes sense”)  Paul says that it is when we give our lives to God. Like a sacrifice in the Old Testament system, only this time the sacrifice doesn’t die, it continues to live with a powerful new purpose.  This sacrifice, this surrender of life, Paul calls worship.

No wonder Christians call it a worship “service”.   Implied in true worship is a promise to rise from my knees to do His will.


When tears are a triumph

Re:Verse reading–Romans 9:1-8, Romans 10:1-21 (day seven)

“I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. . . for the sake of my brothers.”–9: 2-3.

It is actually a badge of honor.  A sure sign of integrity.  Christians who weep over their lost friends.  We are not hardened.  We do not learn hate.  Their rebellion toward God creates sorrow in us, and intercession.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem.  Stubborn, proud, violent Jerusalem.  “As He drew near and saw the city, he wept over it”–Luke 19: 41.  He was a “man of sorrows” and first on that list was the future He saw for those who refuse God.

Do we love our enemies, weep over them?  Romans 8 gave us strength.  Now, Romans 9 and 10 gives us our assignment.  Pray for those who hate us! “If your enemy is hungry, feed him. . .for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”–Romans 12:17, 20-21.

Good news for Jews

Re:Verse reading–Romans 9:1-8, Romans 10:1-21 (day one)

“It is not as though God’s word had failed.  For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.”–v 9:6.

It was a puzzle to Paul.  A disappointment from which he never fully recovered.  As a whole, the Jewish nation, called of God, prepared by the Scriptures, rejected Christ!

Disturbing but undeniable.  “He came unto His own and His own received Him not.”  Jewish leadership called for the crucifixion. Paul suffered continued persecution from the same group.  They resisted!

Had God’s promise failed?  Was His word to the Jewish nation made null and void by their unbelief?  As Paul struggled with an answer, He came to a new understanding.  True Israel was not, and never had been, based on physical heritage but on spiritual relationship. God’s family is by faith.

Did the Lord keep His promise to His people?  Yes. (To Gentiles as well)  In Christ, by grace, through faith, eternal life!

Thinking about suffering

Re:Verse reading–Romans 8:18-39 (day seven)

“The whole creation is groaning as in the pains of childbirth”–v 22.

I am thinking about suffering this morning.  Not trying to be morose.  Just honest.

Today is a day of prayer for the persecuted church around the world.  Sometimes these brothers and sisters slip from my consciousness.  Regular people, in every time zone, who declare faith in Christ and become targets of police action and public abuse.  I am thinking about them this morning.

But not only religious suffering.  I am thinking about children who are hungry and abused. About marriages torn apart.  About mental illness and physical illness.

Debbie Downer?  No.  Just trying to hear what the Bible says.  The whole creation groans. If you listen, you can hear it, too.

What outcome does God have in mind for the world?  What end will make this beautiful/cruel world worth it?

I am thinking about suffering this morning.  And also about glory.

Labor pains

Re:Verse reading–Romans 8:18-39 (day one)

“The whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth”–v 22.

As a male, I will need to be careful and humble as I speak of this reality.  I do not, and will never, understand the cost that a woman pays to give birth.  I watched Holly do it.  I was proud of her.  I prayed for her.  But, I can never fully understand the experience.

In the same way, Paul compares the sorrow and stress of the present world to the pains of childbirth.  Excruciating at times.  More painful than we expected, and lasting far longer.  We want to give up or go back, but we can’t.

As a woman suffers pain for the sake of the baby who will be born in the process, Jesus taught believers to look forward to the world that will come.  Something wonderful is being born!  Worth even the suffering of the present moment.

Much obliged

Re:Verse reading–Romans 8:1-17 (day seven) 

“Therefore, brothers, we are under obligation. . .for all who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God.”  v 12, 14.

It is not what we expect.  The Scripture, in other places, communicates Spiritual life as an INVITATION.  An offer.  A king gives a party for his son and sends servants out to invite people to come. (Matthew 22)

Paul looks at it from a different perspective.  As an OBLIGATION.  Same word that he used of himself in Romans 1:14.  “I am under obligation.”  As a recipient of grace, how could he refuse to give it to others?

He says the same of us.  Christ died and rose and sent the promised Holy Spirit!  Those who are joined to Him by faith are, thereby, OBLIGATED to live and walk in that gift.

“How dare you benefit from Christ and owe him nothing in return!”, says Paul.  Not an offer.  Not an option.  It is our OBLIGATION.

No condemnation! Not now. Not ever.

Re:Verse reading–Romans 8:1-17 (day one) 

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”–v 1.

Condemnation normally referred to a future event.  “We must all stand before the judgement seat of Christ”–2 Corinthians 5:10.  It (condemnation) literally meant “guilty verdict” or “negative judgement”.  (A compound word formed from “down” and “decision”).  It WILL NOT HAPPEN to those who have joined life to Christ by faith.  NO thumbs down sign from God.  NO condemnation for us.  We will be WELCOMED as forgiven children of the Most High!

God’s decision on this matter is already made.  “There is therefore (pointing to previous truths of Romans 1-7 ) NOW no condemnation.”  Not something that will be decided later.  It is decided now.  Like the prodigal, If I am in His Son,  I will be welcomed home no matter what my years in the far country have done to my soul.

For those in Christ, no condemnation.  Not now.  Not ever.

Shall we go on sinning?

Re: Verse reading–Romans 6 (day seven)

“Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” v 1.  Maybe no one actually says it.  Usually more of an unconscious thought, a false conclusion.  “If salvation is by grace alone, then sin is not such a big deal.”  “Why worry?” “No one is perfect!”  “God will forgive me no matter what.”  “I should just accept my brokenness and rejoice in His full forgiveness.”   “Right?”

Wrong!  Paul addresses this issue head on by teaching the real union of believer and Savior.  “We were baptized into Christ.” v 3.  Joined.  Made one.  Our debt becomes His.  His victory becomes ours.

Who would misuse the privilege of salvation by allowing sin to be unrepented and unconfessed?  Only a false-hearted person!  Only the one who would like to share the BENEFIT of union with Christ (forgiveness) but not the PURPOSE. (new life)

Q–Shall we go on sinning?  A–No!  We are one with Christ!