Constant Vigilance

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day two) 

“And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” vs. 7b

One of the characters in the book I am currently reading to my daughter is a teacher who thinks his students are unprepared for the world. He is a very intense teacher whose motto is “Constant Vigilance.” Do we ever have the privilege to let our guard down in regards to sin? Absolutely not! This verse, so early in man’s narrative is a perfect illustration of why we can’t lower our defenses. Sin is there. Sin is always there. Why do you think Paul will later describe it as the full armor of God? Do not grow weary of doing good. Keep your countenance up, and be constantly vigilant.


After the Curse

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 3:8-24 (day two) The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them. vs. 21

After the curse we find God’s provision. In verses 14-20 we begin to see the ramifications of disobedience toward God. Pain, death, enmity, toil these are all the result of not trusting in the Lord’s plan and purpose for our lives. What I find interesting is that immediately following the curse is a moment of real tenderness. God, seeing that they have fashioned poor coverings for their bodies, gives them something better. He has already provided for their needs post-Eden. We often think in terms of all or nothing, but God had the “long game” in mind. They disobeyed, but that did not stop his love or his provision. He wanted his creation to be redeemed, he still does. When you fall, don’t run and hide hoping to escape judgement. Accept consequences and then look for his way forward.

Worth It?

Re:Verse reading–Genesis 3:1-7  (day two)

‘For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.” Romans 7:15

It doesn’t take much, does it? We know what we should do, but we begin to wonder if it could really be all that bad to make the other choice. Would anyone notice? The answer, of course, is: yes it is really that bad, and God always notices. Surely it can’t be worth it based on those facts alone. Yet, the slippery slope of sin works in our hearts and minds, and before long we are knee deep in a pit of regret that we should have never experienced in the first place. Discover your pitfalls. Protect yourself with prayer and consider if Adam and Eve ever thought their decision was worth it…it wasn’t.


Re: Verse reading–Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25 (day two)  God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 1:27

The Latin statement for this verse is “Imago Dei.” Each person walking around you today is carrying with them the image of God. That doesn’t mean that everyone will recognize it, but whether or not they do, it is there. How does that inform how you treat one another? Whether redeemed saint or lost soul each has the DNA of the creator of the universe. If you took this into consideration before you spoke with someone, would it impact what you say? Shouldn’t it?

My girls look like they certainly belong to our family. Strong genes from both April and I contributed to their looks and features. When people look at them, I want them to see my beloved. Don’t you think our Heavenly Father wants us to see him in others too?


Re: Verse reading–Genesis 2:4-17 (day two)

Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. vs. 15

We often think about Adam and Eve’s punishment. They have to deal with toil and pain. Have you ever considered their assignment before the fall? God gave them Eden to enjoy, but also to work. I have often heard people jokingly refer to Heaven as boring. I don’t think they truly mean it, but there is a sense that we will have little to do. God created us to work with our hands, to use our skills, and to employ the gifts he gave us. Work is sacred. He did not intend for it to be toilsome, but to bring delight and fulfillment. Consider this as you set off for work today. Thank God for the ability to work.

God’s Stellar Playlist

Re: Verse reading–Genesis 1:14-25; 2:1-3 (day two)  

God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good. 1:16-18

This was Moses’ retelling of the creation event. Read now, God’s words to Job regarding the formation of the world:                                                                                                         “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding,
Who set its measurements? Since you know.
Or who stretched the line on it?
“On what were its bases sunk?
Or who laid its cornerstone,
When the morning stars sang together
And all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38:4-7

God’s direct words for Job notwithstanding, we catch a glimpse of God in his studio as he made the world. He made the stars to sing and the angels shout for joy. Quite a picture, isn’t it. Is that you? Do you put your playlist on as you work to help you focus or to give yourself a boost? You are definitely in good company. So much of what we do each day is creative or re-creative. We are making decisions, designing, implementing. God’s choice for music as an accompaniment to industry is not only enjoyable, it is productive. Go ahead, turn the volume up…and don’t forget to sing along!


Re: Verse reading–Genesis 1:1-13 (day two) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. vs. 1

since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:19-20

Have you ever looked at a painting and just knew who the painter was, or listened to a piece of music was knew instantly who wrote it? They may have signature styles, colors, techniques that make their work stand apart. It is their creative fingerprints. When you experience that art you understand a bit about the artist. What do they value, how do they see and understand the world that they are a part of.

Every pebble, mountain, fish, forest, baby, and star holds the fingerprints of the creator of the universe. Through them we can see what he values, what he thinks about the world that he created. The infinite variety, the frailty of life, and the simplicity a cloud. He wants us to notice.

Jesus as Teacher on the Cross

Re: Verse reading–Mark 15:33-41; 16:1-8 (day two) At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is translated, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” 15:34

Even on the cross, and perhaps especially on the cross, Jesus has something to teach us. As Jesus utters these words there are many who think he is calling Elijah, but he is actually quoting scripture. Psalm 22 is titled “A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise.” Like most Psalms of Lamentation it begins with an honest, desperate cry for help. The writer of these words understood that God can, indeed, feel very far away. There are moments that not only do we not feel his pleasure, but we actually feel that we have been abandoned. But you must keep reading. The psalmist, and certainly Jesus, understands a relationship with the almighty is honest. God wants us to cry out, even in despair, but that is not where it ends. With very little exception the Psalms of Lamentation turn somewhere in the middle. Once they have made their complaint known, they quickly acknowledge God’s purpose, his goodness, his ultimate authority. Jesus was teaching us to run to the scripture even in, and especially during our crises. Cry, scream, yell, but keep your focus on the author and finisher of our faith…Jesus did.

Not in Secret

Re: Verse reading–Mark 14:43-52; 15:1-15 (day two) Every day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize Me…14:49

The same men who would stand on the street corners and pray loudly so that all could hear them and marvel at their knowledge of the scriptures are the ones who would sneak around and capture Jesus at night away from those crowds. These are the men who would loudly toss their coins into the offering in order to make as much noise and thereby indicate how much they gave. These who would seek Jesus’ life were politically savvy, and they understood public opinion. What they wanted the people to see, they did openly, loudly, with conviction. What they didn’t want the public to see was done in cover of darkness.

Be honest, where do we sin the most? Out in front of everyone? Not likely. Most of us know how best to hide our sins from the world. How did these actions turn out for those who sought to get rid of Jesus? For Judas? We all have business to do with Jesus, deal with him while you can.

They Sang

Re: Verse reading–Mark 14:12-31 (day two) After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. vs 26

For as long as I can remember I have been haunted by this verse. Both Matthew and Mark Jesus singing with his disciples. There it is stuck between the Supper and the Garden. Why is it so important? What can be gained from this part of the story? This was the final moment that the eleven remaining disciples would be together with Jesus before the cross and his visit to them post-resurrection. The final act in this final gathering was to sing. They sang not as an obligation or as a function of their “ritual.” There is strength to be gained from corporate worship. Jesus, knowing what was before him, requested that they sing together, and in that picture of worship there is unity, power, and strength.

If Jesus, who would go on to endure the cross, would choose to sing before having to face it alone why wouldn’t you? If Jesus models for us how we are to face life’s challenges, then shouldn’t we all line up to sing together before we face the storm? I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to worship this week!