
Re:Verse reading–Acts 1:1-14 (day two) 

So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” – v. 6

Waiting is the worst. When you are ready to move nothing can frustrate like having to wait. Perhaps you are ready to leave for school, work, or church and nobody else in the house is ready. Does this try your patience? Waiting for good things can be difficult too. Sometimes the 9 (+) months of pregnancy seems to feel much longer. Promotions, graduations, vacations, there are many things that we long for and seemingly they never come fast enough.

Jesus says wait before he says go. Wait, pray, prepare these are needed for the task ahead. You may think you are ready, but God surely knows best. If you are in that waiting place, ask God to reveal how to best prepare for the next move.


Re:Verse reading–Philippians 2:1-11 (day two) Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Vs. 2

It is one of the questions that comes up frequently to the leadership of FBCSA, and it is also a central theme of our new paradigm. Individuals with much institutional memory remember the days when the church was less complex in structure and they long for us to be “united” again. It sounds good, doesn’t it? Everyone in the same place, experiencing the same thing at the same time. Yes, indeed, but that doesn’t paint a very accurate picture of our body. We are diverse, with different needs, languages, and experiences. We are large and small, young and old, but we are united.

Being united, does not mean all the same. What unites us is our love of scripture and our commitment to Re:Verse. Our staff and leadership are united in common purpose to reach and disciple. Our resources are all channeled to a single model. We are more united than many realize. It may not look like it did, but it sure feels like we understand this scripture.

I Love My Wife

Re:Verse reading–James 2:14-26 (day two) And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,” and he was called the friend of God. vs. 23b

I love my wife. Over 17 years ago I stood in front of the church and declared to her and to God that I loved my wife. Now everyone knows that I love her, and that is the end of that.

…that’s not how it works. We both know that. My love for my wife is ever-growing. I express it to her in a thousand ways, and I still fail to sufficiently acknowledge how much she means to me. I tell her I love her, I send her a text at work. I will buy flowers, or gifts, or make the bed in the morning. Large gestures or small, they each speak to my love for my beloved.

Why then do we bristle when we read this passage from James. My love and commitment to Jesus is the greatest call on my life, so shouldn’t my life be marked by evidence of that love? Just as I want April to know that I cherish her, so, too, do I want Jesus to know that I am fully his. I long to be like Abraham and be considered a friend of God.

Exceeding Expectations

Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 8:1-15 (day two)

…and this, not as we had expected, but they gave themselves to the Lord, and to us by the will of God. Vs 5

It is 2:40 AM and I have just arrived home from the U.K. after traveling with the Sanctuary Choir for 12 days. Many of you know that prior to that the Chapel Singers toured the Mid-west. It has truly been a month of missions, not only for the music ministry, but for our whole church. My prayer before every service project or concert was that we exceed the expectations of those we were serving. The people we were serving surely had reasonable expectations of what a group of young people could do, or what a church choir sounded like. What was most important to us was that we were there as Christ’s Ambassadors, like our text last week reminded us. Our prayer was that they would see the truth and love of Jesus in the way we served and sang. That they would be drawn toward him by the sweet savor of service. Nothing we did or said was to our benefit or glory. It is my prayer now that we live each day striving to exceed the expectations of those we serve.

Christ’s Ambassadors

Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (day two)

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. vs. 20

When I was a college student one of the ways I earned a scholarship was as a student ambassador. My job was to give campus tours to prospective students and their families. It was my job to learn a lot of information about my school so that I could answer questions should they come up. Part of what I did was to put the university in the best light and to share my love and personal experience with the school. We were never allowed to disparage another institution, but only speak well of ours.

We are Christ’ Ambassadors, and our role although similar, has much more at stake than a potential alma mater. Learn all you can. Spend time in prayer and the Word so that you are ready in season and out to give an account for your faith and the testimony of Christ’s work in your life. Draw people to you by your love for Jesus and for them, not your disdain for the world and its emptiness. Our hope has ever been for the world to be reconciled to God.

Too Many Tenors

Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 12:4-13, 27-31 (day two)

And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; or again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” vs. 21

In all my years of being in choirs I have never led a group, nor been in a group where there were too many tenors. We are a commodity. As it is most groups make do with the ensemble that they get. This is the nature of the volunteer organization. If, however, one day 20 new tenors showed up to rehearsal, I doubt you would hear the altos leave in protest. Choirs don’t work that way. When you are in a choral group you submit to the concept that it takes more than one to make music. It is necessary to have different voices with different ranges to be able to create the music.

What is the message? Show up to choir and discover how to live out this scripture! Or, perhaps, marvel at the gifts God has given you, and submit his kingdom work. You will undoubtedly find how other gifting will complement yours, and you will see the music of God’s plan.


Re:Verse reading–Matthew 25:31-46 (day two).  The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’  vs. 40

Last week 31 students and adults traveled to Kansas City, Missouri for the Chapel Singer Mission Choir Tour. In addition to our concerts we served three different non-profit groups whose focus was on the homeless and poor. I became convicted when I read this scripture this morning as I considered what Jesus meant when he said ‘least.’ In some way I have always thought that mean ‘less.’ I have come to understand, however, that this is not what Jesus intended at all. Having the least shelter, having the least clothing, having the least health – these deal with needs not character, and certainly not the heart. I am grateful for the reminder this week that our care for each other is of utmost concern to Jesus.

Who Chose Whom

Re:Verse reading–John 15:9-17 (day two)

“You did not choose Me but I chose you…” vs. 16a

We often get caught up in the idea that we made a decision to follow Jesus, and that it was at our initiation that prompted our journey to faith. In reality, we would never made this choice had the spirit not been at work in our hearts. Jesus knew us before we knew ourselves. It is as his behest that we have a place at the table of salvation. This makes his sacrificial act of love more beautiful that while we were yet still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore as we grow in our walk we would be wise to remember that his calling us to him for salvation is not the end of his call on our lives. Does he have other desires and plans for you? Should we lay more things at his feet? Most definitely.


Re: Verse reading–John 13:1-17 (day two) For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. vs. 15

Bus duty is the worst. In my 15 years in education I never met someone who was excited about bus duty. It takes you away from the classroom where you could be meeting with kids, grading, or really anything but bus duty. The mass of humanity that gathers at the beginning and end of every day is maddening, and you can imagine this is where trouble brews. Nobody volunteers for bus duty, nobody.

Larry was a two-time cancer survivor when I worked for him. It would eventually return and lead to his passing, but when I knew him it was a footnote to his journey. Every morning and every evening of every school day Larry would make sure that each bus arrived and departed on time and with every student. He watched over the masses of students who were waiting for their daily ride home. Monitoring them so they made good choices. Larry did this every day in his suit and tie rain or shine, hot or hotter, Larry was unswerving in his commitment.

Larry had other things to do. He was the head principal of the largest high school in the Northside Independent School district. His energies could certainly have been spent in other places. But everyday Larry sent a clear message to his staff. Larry was there to serve. Those duties that we avoided, he was the first to sign up. He demonstrated leadership by his service, and ultimately service by his leadership.

As a result of his sacrifices teachers across the board were willing to go to the mat for Larry or any of his initiatives. He loved students. He loved teachers. We wanted to please him, and in so doing we wanted to serve. I am so blessed that I had the opportunity to work for a man like Larry Martin. He showed me how to serve well.


Re: Verse reading–Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (day two) He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth…53:7a

He kept quiet. Our first reaction when we see injustice is to shout, rage against the machine, cry out for right. Jesus kept silent. Does this mean that we are to sit idly by and watch people endure cruelty or oppression? Certainly not, but Jesus had the long game in mind as he endured his affliction. If he would have called out or spoken up what would that have meant for me or you? His refusal to defend himself sealed our opportunity for salvation. If, when you witness injustice, you are filled with a righteous indignation stop and think of what Christ endured and how he allowed it to take place. For you.