Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 3:1-17 (day two)
What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. Vs. 5
Stop me if you’ve heard this before: Mega-church pastor retires – church never recovers. It seems a frequent headline for those in evangelical circles. Churches are built by a hard working, well-intentioned pastor. Good things happen, but in the end the institution cannot support its own weight when the cornerstone is removed. To be fair, I think this is never the desired effect.
We are drawn to the gregarious. We love preachers who can craft a sermon in a memorable way. But Paul reminds us as well as the church in Corinth that any good that happens is due to God alone. Likely our most beloved pastors will continue to remind us of that. When we are focused on the work of the Holy Spirit in our churches, then we are less likely to fall victim to the cult of personality.