
The Everyday Prayer Blog
Daily Reflections from our Re: Verse Scriputre

Join the Senior Pastor and Associate Pastors of First Baptist Church San Antonio everyday as they ponder the words of scripture through what we call our Re: Verse Bible study system. TheEverydayPrayer.com blog is one step in this 5 part system. To find out more about Re:Verse click here.

Feel free to comment on the blog posts and become part of the conversation. We look forward to hearing from you!

– Chris Johnson
Senior Pastor

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. Pastor Guthrie,

    Thanks for doing this. I am looking forward to it.

    I remember with great fondness the days you first introduced the concept of praying (in depth) through the Lord’s Prayer. It opened up a whole new journey for me. I will pray that it will do the same for all of FBC.

    God bless you.

    Take care,

  2. Dear Pastor Don and Stephen:

    The service this Sunday was amazing. The imagery of a dead end and God taking us over, around or through it—not once in our lives but many taught me a lot–and oddly enough I found I was at a dead end. Through your teachings through words and song, I know that dead end is behind me and I am not alone! I continue to learn about the things in my prayer closet, too. Thank you! We pray for your comfort and joy as you lead us and serve God.

  3. Dear Pastor Don,
    My wife and I attended the 11 am service at FBCSA on Sunday, 15 July. We were on vacation. Thoroughly enjoyed your service but I particularly enjoyed the Children’s Message. I would like permission to use that message for my children’s group at our church in Virginia. What I can’t recall is the Scripture reference. Could you please provide an assist. Again we enjoyed visiting and would come back if we return to the area.

    Thank you,

    Harry Black

    1. Harry Black I just was reading thru old posts on FBCSA website, specifically blogs & Re:Verse used now in 2o20 & I read what you wrote to Pastor Don Guthrie (now retired) and I wondered if we might be related? I see you visited San Antonio back in 2012 & heard Don preach at FBCSA & really enjoyed his children’s sermon causing me to wonder if you also are a pastor somewhere in VA? My maiden name was Pam Black and my family came to SA from East TX but migrated all the way from the east coast many years ago. Somehow I doubt you will even receive this post as I’m responding thru FBCSA website & don’t have your email address. Anyway I enjoyed your comments esp on the children’s sermon when you were here in town. God bless your ministry wherever you live in VA & come back to FBCSA, we now have a new executive pastor Chris Johnson who also shares great teachings with our children during our Sunday morning children’s sermons!

  4. I love this resource. I wish it had a feature that would allow me to set up for it to daily be delivered to my email. I this an available option that I am missing or could it some how be established? If the feature already exists could someone post the instructions for enrolling my email address to receive it?


    Elizabeth Edenfield

  5. I am a cancer patient, receiving a daily study of the Word is more valuable than gold and silver. I also need prayer from brothers and sisters in Christ. Do you have something according to my needs? I also read that you have small bible studies. GOD BLESS YOU. thank you

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