Re: Verse reading—Luke 20:1-8, 20-26 (day seven)
“John’s baptism, was it from heaven or from men?” (v 4) The Greek word for obedience is a combination of two ideas. The literal translation is “to hear under”. Essential step for anyone who hungers for LIFE. Two questions. 1) Am I listening to God? 2) Am I under His authority? (will I actually do what He says?) When the chief Priests came to Christ with questions, He challenged them at this point. “How can you ask for more information, greater clarification, when you have not demonstrated a surrendered heart?” His specific challenge was the call that came from God, through John, for Israel to be baptized. They had, in the main, resisted. Real problem. None of us is welcome to come to God to have our curiosity satisfied. Those who surrender get their questions answered. Those who resist are pointed back to an earlier lesson. He will speak, but only when we have ears to hear.