Re:Verse passage – Luke 10:25-37 (day one)
Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Luke 10:25-37 in our Winter Re:Verse Series: “LUKE – Learning from the parables of Jesus.”
A thought occurred to me regarding the lawyer asking Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” In telling the parable, Jesus is, in essence, responding with, “Who ISN’T your neighbor?” The possibilities are endless (and daunting).
It dawned on me after reading this passage that BR is probably right because the lawyer couldn’t bring himself to even say the word Samaritan when Jesus asked him “who was the neighbor “ at the last.
Thank you for all your commentary. Your devotions are impacting our Bible Study class in Waxahachie too. Keep this going. You are doing good work and bearing good fruit!