Re:Verse passage – Philippians 2:1-4 (day four)
Paul uses a rhetorical ‘if’ in our passage this week. If there is encouragement, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if there is any affection and compassion…he seems to shout out the answer…”AND OF COURSE THERE IS!” We are to be like Christ because He is all these things. To be like Christ, we must put aside selfishness…we must put aside personal interests…we must practice humility.
To put this Christ-like attitude into practice, what might it look like? During this pandemic when many people are cut off from others and unable to interact, we could look for ways to reach out to them and challenge them with interactions. Many of our senior adults are having cognitive failure because they lack interaction that makes them think. Paul would say, “don’t think about what you have lost during this lockdown, think–how can I encourage and love and show compassion, and share fellowship with someone else?” Look at this pandemic as an opportunity to minister and serve others. Sounds like what Christ would do!
That’s how the Lord has spoken to me during this pandemic time, Larry. To reach out to others in encouragement and prayer. Make calls. Send texts and emails and notes in the mail. When we are willing, He makes a way. What a gracious God we serve.