Re:Verse passage – Mark 6:30-44 (day two)
And He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” v. 31a
Your job will always ask more of you. Rarely, if ever, will you find in your vocational calling a time that says ‘you’ve done enough, you should relax.’ There is always a benchmark we are reaching, a deadline approaching, and the bottom line to consider. What often makes it worse is if there is a let up of pressure it is often accompanied by a sense of guilt that can come either internally or externally. There will always be more to do. Jesus sets the example for us to breathe. From the earliest pages of scripture, we are told to rest. Even in the midst of an avalanche of needs surrounding Jesus and the disciples, he reminded them of the need to stop. Not forever. We should take seriously the call to work, and to rest.
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