Re:Verse passage – Mark 6:14-29 (day seven)
And King Herod heard of it… vs 14
King of the Jews. A self proclaimed title that had been passed down from his father (Herod the Great) before him. Although, he was fourth in line for the throne, he was elevated to the position after his father disposed of the ones before him (his own sons). This was not the king Israel was waiting for. He wasn’t even a real king. He was the governor under the jurisdiction of Rome. He was a puppet that could be removed at any moment. Not only was he not a real king, but he deliberately disobeyed the Law. He took his brother’s wife to be his own, and then was so “pleased” by his step-daughter’s sexual appeal that he granted her anything she wanted, even murder. Complete and utter debauchery.
This is what Israel had become. This is the Israel that Jesus entered in to. The King of the Jews came to fulfill the Law. The King of the Jews wasn’t a king of Israel. Rather, He was King of the Universe. This King had the authority to save us out of debauchery. This King came that all might have life and have it to the full. Jesus is King!
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