Re:Verse passage – Mark 6:1-6 (day two) When the Sabbath came, He began to teach in the synagogue… v. 2a
I love this picture of Jesus. It’s one that we don’t often see portrayed. If you think a scene with Jesus, you are likely picturing him at the seashore, in a boat, feeding thousands, or performing a miracle. I don’t want us to miss this picture of Jesus in worship. Most of Jesus’ life, like ours, is spent outside the walls of the church. Much of what Jesus was here to do was to seek and save that which was last. Our call is the same. Living on mission is what we want for every believer. Jesus also made a priority of regular worship on the Sabbath. He gathered with others who wrestled with scripture, and share wisdom to help others understand the mysteries of faith. Gathered worship is a privilege and responsibility for every believer. We gather, first, to honor God. In so doing, we build and edify the church. We are better believers when we faithfully and actively attend worship. By honoring the Lord, and strengthening the body we become better equipped to be on mission outside the walls of the church. See you Sunday.
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