Fully Commit

Re:Verse passage – Mark 5:21-34 (day two)  For she thought, “If I just touch His garments, I will get well.” v. 28

It would be easy to read this story and think the woman was so desperate she was willing to try anything. Indeed, she had trusted doctors, healers, and all sorts of remedies, but this wasn’t the act of ‘let’s try one more thing’ thinking. All of the other remedies and treatments were simply part of a timeline toward an encounter with Jesus. It does make her story more dramatic, yes, but I have known people who have the exact opposite response after a years of being sick. I have seen them resign themselves to whatever is next. It is a defense mechanism against another disappointment. This woman’s actions were so focused on Jesus, she knew that touching him would heal her. That is the faith that Jesus acknowledged. Don’t expect Jesus to be a last resort for you or someone else in a time of hurt or loss. Regardless of your circumstances and how you got there, when it is time to encounter Jesus, do it like this woman: fully commit. The time for doubt, fear, and hesitation are behind. It is now time for healing and wholeness. It is time to touch the savior.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

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