Let Jesus In

Re:Verse passage – Mark 5:1-20 (day seven)

And they began to implore Him to leave their region. vs 17

They were fine with a crazy demon possessed man living in their midst. They were okay that he had become something other than a human and could overpower anyone or anything that tried to restrain him, but they were not okay with him being free. They were not okay that there was someone who had the power to control demons beyond their superstitions and beliefs, so they sent Jesus away!

We are so afraid of letting Jesus actually work in our lives that we would rather keep the devil we know around us than take the leap of faith to see what God can do if we would only trust Him. We hold on to our sin. We hold on to our crutches. There are places we do not let Jesus in. Instead, we send Jesus away.

What if we let Jesus in? What if we let Him have ALL of us? The One who can control demons will drive evil away. The One who truly cannot be restrained, not even by death, will give His power to us. We will have power over our enemies. We will overcome our sins. We will find revival!

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

One thought on “Let Jesus In”

  1. This is mom! I know I comment alot but I needed this today and this week
    I am sure it spoke to many others!
    Prayers for Freedom weekend!

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