Re:Verse passage – Mark 5:1-20 (day two) They came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes. v. 1
As I re-read this passage today, it struck me that this was just following Jesus calming the storm. That may seem obvious, but we don’t often follow a strict timeline with some of the narrative readings. The last words of chapter four must still be ringing in the disciple’s ears. What sort of man is this? Did they go back to sleep? Were they up the rest of the night trying to grasp the sovereignty of Jesus? They had seen miracles prior to the night on the sea, but how did that night inform their reverence for Jesus with the miracles that followed. They didn’t have long to ponder these thoughts. As soon as they reached the shore Jesus was approached by the demon-possessed man. This must have been a turning point in the understanding of Christ’s divinity. Every wonder and sign they witnessed from here on out must have had a different significance and weight. Is that different from us? When you met Jesus in a dark place where he removed the burden of sin its penalty, didn’t that change your lip service devotion to him to a complete trust in his Lordship over your life. You may not see him stop a hurricane in the ocean, but he can speak peace to whatever consumes your heart. Everything that follows should be in service to a God who holds it all in his hands.
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