Re:Verse passage – Psalm 72:1-14 (day seven)
May he judge Your people with righteousness. v. 2
Righteousness is a cornerstone characteristic of the personhood of God. Repeated four times in seven verses in Psalm 72, it is also a cornerstone characteristic of a good king. The king is to rule as God would, with mercy, love, and justice. Then the psalmist points out that The Good King will rule as God Himself. In doing so, His righteousness will become attainable to us so we can rule with Him.
Matthew 5 tells us that “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Even though His righteousness is attainable, it is not guaranteed. Righteousness must be sought. When we seek and pursue righteousness, we will find that God has equipped and prepared us to have dominion here as we live and serve Him with mercy, love, and justice.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
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