Re:Verse passage – Psalm 72:1-14 (day six)
The Church is called to be a living preview of the kingdom to come—a foretaste of the universal reign of Jesus. We are meant to embody the justice, blessing, and flourishing promised in Psalm 72. As heirs of God’s promises, we are empowered to confront the brokenness around us and bring renewal.
Where injustice reigns, we work to set things right. In a world of crooked paths, we are called to walk uprightly and lead others to do the same. Where there is suffering, we bring healing. Where there is need, we respond with generosity. Where darkness looms, we shine the light of Christ. When the world exalts power and greed, we exalt the humble and eternal King, Jesus—the heir to David’s throne, who reigns from everlasting to everlasting.
Until the day of His return, we are the city on a hill, shining with the light of hope, love, and redemption. In every act of justice, mercy, and grace, we reflect the reign of our coming King and point the world to the glorious day when His kingdom will come in its fullness.
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