Jesus Reigns

Re:Verse passage – Psalm 72:1-14 (day five). Jesus (who is ultimately being described in this Psalm) is indeed the King of kings and Lord of lords. How??  Why??  It is not by force as some were hoping. It is not by power or miracles as others were thinking. No. When we read this Psalm it becomes crystal clear. Jesus reigns with holy righteousness/justice while at the same time demonstrating gracious compassion/mercy. People (tribes and tongues, and social classes) are drawn to Him in worship and service. No earthly leader or government has ever been capable of doing that.   The Psalm points past Solomon to the perfect King-the Lamb upon the throne, who would come to usher in the Kingdom of God.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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