
Re:Verse passage – Psalm 72:1-14 (day two) 

May he also rule from sea to sea
And from the River to the ends of the earth. v. 8

There is a duality in leadership which makes most people uncomfortable. This same savior whose incarnation we are celebrating is at once tender, compassionate, and benevolent while also being just, righteous, and formidable. When we try to find all those characteristics in human leadership we are always disappointed. Whereas someone can be formidable, they often lack compassion. Our capacity to lead at every conceivable end of the spectrum is beyond our ability. We settle, and hope for the best. It is our sin nature that prevents us from our ability to fully embrace all of humanity. Jesus does not suffer the same failings. As the author of our faith, he draws the lines of the absolute, but he also knows how to meet us in our failings. Jesus reign is one of perfection. This child will grow to lead with a love that transcends our current capacity. Our hope should reflect that trust in his perfect plan for our day, our family, our church, our country. May the peace of Christ reign in our hearts this year.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

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