Christmas Eve Gift!

Re:Verse passage – Psalm 96 (day two)

Sing to the Lord a new song;
Sing to the Lord, all the earth. vs. 1

Do you have this tradition in your family? It is one that I married in to. Each year on Christmas Eve April’s family tries to be the first one to say “Christmas Eve Gift”! They used to do it as they walked in the door or woke up on Christmas Eve, then it was telephone calls, and now it is who can post it first on social media. I really don’t know what you get if you win, but they take it seriously.

What are your Christmas Eve traditions? Is there a food you always prepare, a movie you watch? Perhaps you open one gift, or all go to the Christmas Eve service together (that was a shameless plug, by the way). Holidays are made even more memorable when we have those traditions to look forward to.

Do you sing? You had to know it was coming from me at some point! The outset of this psalm sets the framework for our praise. All the earth is to sing. I would like to encourage you to make this a part of your tradition at home with your family this year. It doesn’t have to be formal, you don’t even have to sing all the verses! Just sing. I promise smiles, laughter, and joy will follow. This, after all, is the command of scripture. As we put Jesus at the center of all of our traditions over the next days and weeks, why not follow this command of scripture and add more singing to your festivities. Let me know how it goes. What did you sing? How was it received? I know the Lord will be pleased.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

One thought on “Christmas Eve Gift!”

  1. Our family would go to Christmas Eve services. When we are in California visiting we go to our family’s church. One of the most memorable Christmas Eve services was when our son was a pastor of a small church in Santa Monica we sang Silent Night outside on the steps with our candles. Loved that tradition.

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